LEDs, light board or light bar style?


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at LEDs again.

I'm more or less locked in on light bar style. 8 bars for my 4x4.
But the light board, esp the ones with wings and an internal fan look as if they may have potential.

There has to be differences, strong and weak points. Can anyone explain please.
My guess is folks have run this topic into the ground and have no more energy for it.
Very polarizing topic with everyone knowing what is the best deal and performer.
You can use the search function and see how it went the last 50 times ... .
I think the ones with fans in are a novelty but have a place in small tents where you can't fit good circulation.

Wings, seem like a novelty too but I've not seen a par map demonstrating how the angle of wing changes the readings.

Bar lights seem to offer the best light uniformity
Grandmaster is making pretty big strides in advancing led technology. Spectrum tuning lights, the most uniform light coverage out of any light made, the tarantula predator light(uvc for IPM), and some of if not the most efficient lights on the market. Dude is a legit oldshool grower with years of experience.
I will chime in on the lights with fans as I have 2 of them ( 150 watt) in a small tent.
The fans work as designed. I run them together mounted at the top of the tent and move plants up and down. A sweep fan at the top of the canopy throws the fan streams into a chaotic vortex of moving air. The rocking of the tops matches the fan sweep.
By using a light meter I balanced the map giving me a very level pattern until the tops were at 14 inches then it's just 2 lights in a tent.
Note: Vivosun sweep lights do not maintain operation after the power returns. You will need to manually reset this and if you do not you have 2 fans blowing strait at the plants with no change and as these plants on 10 or on natural wind really move air that could be a problem.
The individual diodes are more important than whether they’re on a board or bars. Both have grown great dope for many years now.

I think logic dictates you get better spread with bars, but as a long time HLG board user, i see no reason to switch away just because of theoretical light dispersement advantages.

TL;DR -they both get the job done well.
Grandmaster is making pretty big strides in advancing led technology. Spectrum tuning lights, the most uniform light coverage out of any light made, the tarantula predator light(uvc for IPM), and some of if not the most efficient lights on the market. Dude is a legit oldshool grower with years of experience.
I have been running the long leg for a couple yrs now love it! it blows away my Gavita 1700 an my roli 720.
Bar lights for wall to wall coverage like my ks3000 or at least for airflow. Throw a box fan over it and not see powdery mildew since. If rh is low enough I believe it has a effect on budrot too. Best investment ever.