Left-handers are more quick and intelligent than Right-handers. FACT


bud bootlegger
Have any left handers ever used left handed scissors? Always wanted to try them, I can't cut paper in a straight line for shit.
i write with my left hand, and eat with it too. throw a ball write handy, play hockey right, pretty much do everything right handed except write and a few other small things..
i also use right handed scissors.. i can't do dick with those left handed ones they make..

i think lefties are forced to do a lot of stuff right handed on this right handed world... i always wanted to drive a right hand drive car so i could try shifting with my left hand instead of me right to see how that would go...


Well-Known Member
my mom was forced to switch hands. it was seen as odd being left handed.
My mom too. Her first few teachers didn't allow her to write left-handed at all, and one would even smack her hands with a ruler if she caught her writing left-handed. (Good old days). Now she's ambidextrous, and you can't tell the difference when she's written with her left or right hand.


Well-Known Member
it must suck not having any hands. ages ago we were bullying some random child and chased him down the road. he ran into a property and anxiously rang the doorbell. the guy who answered was armless - very awkward.


Well-Known Member
it must suck not having any hands. ages ago we were bullying some random child and chased him down the road. he ran into a property and anxiously rang the doorbell. the guy who answered was armless - very awkward.
shoulda kicked the old guy in the ahh never mind...


Well-Known Member
^^ thats the hazards of having to live in a world made for right handers..
like a lefty getting hit in the face by a spent cartridge using a right-handed rifle



Well-Known Member
Look that shit up. Google that shit. Do whatever the fuck you want. But people that are left-handed are scientifically more quick-witted and intelligent than RIGHT-handed people.

If you want to compare as far as musicians, AND MUSICIANS ARE THE MOST INTELLIGENT PEOPLE ON THE PLANET AS FAR AS "BRAIN CIRCUITRY" goes, just look at Mozart, Hendrix and Cobain.

Albert Einstein was left-handed, as well as Bill Gates.


Edit: I did not include sports figures, so look that up yourselves.
all i'll say is horseshit ! :)


Well-Known Member
Do it with either hand!



Total Head

Well-Known Member
Do it with either hand!


that's awesome. did they ever clarify the rule? i would LOVE to know what the book says about that. and on the last out of the game. epic.

edit: apparently, the hitter has to establish the box and the pitcher has to establish the arm. it can never be fair to the hitter because once he steps in he can't switch sides. all the pitcher would have to do is observe the batter to get the edge, since he can decide which hand to throw with after the batter has stepped into the box. good shit.


I write and eat with my left hand. jump off my left foot,
Throw a foot,basket,and base ball righty,bat righty,wipe righty. Dont know if its related but, i snowboard regular not goofy.

One thing alot of my friends and my definetly my girl have noticed with me is that I can't tell the differnce between left or right when it come to directions. If im driving my car with the navigation, or some one in the car,telling my to turn left really good chance im turning right. My girl fucks with me and now says, ok show me which way your gonna turn. If im walking and the bath room is on the right, yea i think this is right shit no i went left. dont know what it is.

I think lefty might have some..qucker,faster minds or weird,qurky wiring,i dont know. I swear i can like perdict cetain things happening. not like lotta number or tell the future. like small shit at work,something in a bar store. Figure out the next scenes or the whole movies or tv show, but its logic,its been done before, its make sense that so and so is going to do this or that in the show. I notice and rember some of the most random things too. i always think my friend just dont notice whats going on around them. spaced out a little slower and these guys arent pot smokers i swear.

Or maybe its just my stupid lefty ass thinking all crazy again!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I write and eat with my left hand. jump off my left foot,
Throw a foot,basket,and base ball righty,bat righty,wipe righty. Dont know if its related but, i snowboard regular not goofy.

One thing alot of my friends and my definetly my girl have noticed with me is that I can't tell the differnce between left or right when it come to directions. If im driving my car with the navigation, or some one in the car,telling my to turn left really good chance im turning right. My girl fucks with me and now says, ok show me which way your gonna turn. If im walking and the bath room is on the right, yea i think this is right shit no i went left. dont know what it is.

I think lefty might have some..qucker,faster minds or weird,qurky wiring,i dont know. I swear i can like perdict cetain things happening. not like lotta number or tell the future. like small shit at work,something in a bar store. Figure out the next scenes or the whole movies or tv show, but its logic,its been done before, its make sense that so and so is going to do this or that in the show. I notice and rember some of the most random things too. i always think my friend just dont notice whats going on around them. spaced out a little slower and these guys arent pot smokers i swear.

Or maybe its just my stupid lefty ass thinking all crazy again!
that's funny about not being able to tell right from left. i think that's a separate issue than hand domination because i know a girl like that and she's totally right handed. when she's driving she has to make a capital "L" with her forefingers and thumbs on each hand. she knows what hand is left because the L is backwards when made with the right hand. i think it's hilarious because she's otherwise pretty sharp.


Well-Known Member
that's funny about not being able to tell right from left. i think that's a separate issue than hand domination because i know a girl like that and she's totally right handed. when she's driving she has to make a capital "L" with her forefingers and thumbs on each hand. she knows what hand is left because the L is backwards when made with the right hand. i think it's hilarious because she's otherwise pretty sharp.
:) I have to do that a lot lol. I'm so directionally challenged it's ridiculous. I actually got tested at the hospital once. They had two papers, one had an blank neck/head/face silhouette thingy, and the other had the same silhouette, backwards, with little pictures inside of it. So I was supposed to draw the pictures into the blank one...but since the blank one wasn't facing the same way it was really difficult in a way it just shouldn't have been lol.