Left seeds germinating for to long... HELP.


I had a recent incedent with xanax and was out for like 5 or so days, and apperantly i had seeds germinating, with the paper towel method, and they already got there tap root and shedded there shells!!! if i plant them now and get them water immediately will they still grow, they were from some bad ass bud!!! :sad::!:


Active Member
Do it quickly, but they may recover if the roots didn't dry out. If the leaves have unfolded then place them at the very top of the soil and give it light, but not too much until they turn green and begin growing.


Thank you soo much for the replies... i was SOOOO scared.. its like leaving a kid unattended and watching them die.


Well-Known Member
yes they should be fine especially if the roots are still healthy and fresh looking.just plant them leaving their leaves above ground.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear of your issues mate. Some good advice already posted - fingers crossed they'l be ok!