left side of my tent growing much faster than right side


so i have gotten 4 clones, 2 chem dog and 2 acid, the chem dog are in the back of my tent which is 3x3x6, and my acid are in the front. I am running a 600w MH for veg and the light is centered across the top of the tent, all 4 of the plants have gotten planted at the exact same time in the exact same soil in the exact same pots and have been watered all exactly the same at the same time. Now the only difference inside the tent is that on the left side i have a 4in inline fan blowing air into the tent and a small clip on fan that just blows air into the back right corner, but really isnt very powerful, The two plants on the left (1 chem dog, and 1 acid) are growing much faster than the two plants on the right and i dont understand why? im going to switch the sides of the tent that the plants are on tonight and see if makes any difference, but if not has any one else had this happen? the only thing i can think of is that maybe by chance the two plants on the right just havent set their roots in as well as the other two, they were planted about 10 days ago photo.jpgphoto-1.jpg
sorry for the sideways pics idk what happened


Well-Known Member
So there is one of each strain on each side?
This is your first grow with this setup?

I agree with your approach. I would switch the plants to the opposite side to try & even things up.

Maybe your bulb (filament) is offset & favors on side? maybe the reflective material is better positioned for one side?
I noticed that your fan is on the left with the larger plants. Is this the only thing different between the two sides?
What about temperatures? floor temps? is the right side near the door or exterior wall?

Let us know if you figure this out !


So there is one of each strain on each side?
This is your first grow with this setup?

I agree with your approach. I would switch the plants to the opposite side to try & even things up.

Maybe your bulb (filament) is offset & favors on side? maybe the reflective material is better positioned for one side?
I noticed that your fan is on the left with the larger plants. Is this the only thing different between the two sides?
What about temperatures? floor temps? is the right side near the door or exterior wall?

Let us know if you figure this out !
yea man i moved the two back plants to see if there would be a dif and everything is all still growing the same, i have grown in this tent before and everything worked out nicely, im narrowing it down to maybe its the fact that when i put some great white on the soil befor i watered that i may have givven more to left size because i did finish the bottle, so now im going to buy some more great white and see how it goes, ill keep you updated