i bring it to parties to freak everyone out.[QUOTE/]
Mission accomplished on that deal,i can just see somebody at a party throwing that garbage around,after you got half the party sick like animals & their all laying in their own piss i'd expect everybody to be freaked out too

,thanks for comming to the party there timetogro but dont ever come back with that shit,you killed everybody
I have a real IO 1/2 lb of Krypto right here[QUOTE/]
When you own the company you can have all you want.
I'll agree to that,who the hell wants to shit & puke all over their car,explosive Diarrhea & Projectile Vomiting are sure to follow after smoking a half pound of glue buds.
You should be ashamed of yourself,trying to trick young people who dont know any better into buying that garbage.
I fucking lol'd.
FYI, don't buy shit from international oddities. I bought a half ounce of something from them in like 2004. It smelled like vaporub, smoked harsh as fuck and didn't even come close to giving a buzz. That stuff was terrible. You're better off smoking cigarettes.