Legal bud?

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Well-Known Member
Yes I have read your full post. Twice. And it's true, legal weed isn't real. However. And I understand what you're trying to say. What you're wanting to do conflicts with the very ethics (yes ethics) that the cannabis culture has always been trying to avoid. And that's why you're getting so much negative feedback. Sure people might look at us as criminals but at least we shouldn't have to worry about our supplier fucking us over too.

If I wanted to pay money for something that won't get me high then I would just buy a pack of cigarettes. 20 for $4 bucks. And it won't give me a headache. So neither moldy weed or fake weed is better than a pack of smokes.


Well-Known Member
I see where you are coming from all my friends buy shit weed and then when they find out how gay there shit is they come runnin to me I say go for a SoG and help your friends out


Well-Known Member
yea m8 thats true but up until i done this thread i didnt know legal bud was absolutly useless,therefore no longer a helping option, cheers for no hate m8


Well-Known Member
Didn't you say you were leaving?

You are not welcome here.

[Making civil war joke]I do not like your kind[/end civil war joke]


Well-Known Member
wow. I read your post, and I still think you're a tool. you flat out said you're looking to buy legal weed and pass it off as the real deal to "stupid people". your motives do not matter. you know this is shady.

its basically like replacing someones medication with water

even if it was a "viable" option that got someone a bit high, you're scamming them. unfortunately legal bud is absolutely worthless. you're better off smoking lawn trimmings.



Well-Known Member
Oh my god I made this post and now I'm gay?

Yes, I'm happy because my plants are doing very good.

I'm the gayest man on earth!

Christ you sound like a 2nd grader, there is no way in hell this kid is 18.


Well-Known Member
Actually m8 i thought id try put a bit of humor bak in the thread,
the gay thing was ment as a little mood lifter .
And 18 hmm naa not quite i no youngster

wots people growin at moment then?

Is this the end of arguements and shitty posts then?

Spark a fatty n chill ppl


Well-Known Member
^^^^2nd that. Any Mods around???
yep, i'm right here handing out infractions to all the name callers.

i don't care what someone does, it doesn't give people the right to insult and attack. simply report the post if it offends you and walk away.

"personal attacks and insults will NOT be tolerated."


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