The DSR (definitive spice recipe) This really works!
h=filler herb
Tools and ingredients:
jwh-018(1 gram)
HDPE small spray bottle(walmart)
Scale that measures milligrams accurately(mine does not)
pyrex measuring cup(walmart)
long, glass bowl or glass baking dish(anything will do if you can spread your herbs out.
100% pure acetone(I used walmart nail polish remover)
Herb or filler(I used damiana)
[you can pick up damiana at your local mexican store, they have racks with a whole bunch of spices and powders. It costs about $1 per 7grams(quarter oz)] I also found wormwood but i do not recommend it, it smells and tastes nasty or, order it online which is alot cheaper if you can find
a vendor with no or low shipping rates.
Preparing to make your own blend:
first you must measure out your amounts of herb and jw.
I figured out P=J/H
h=filler herb
the ratio of jwh-018 to herb is the key to how potent you like your spice. If your a newbie, maybe .025 potency is okay.
1/39=0.025 if your an advanced smoker and have a high tolerance to jwh 1/22=0.045, Its not for the beginner.
I dissolved .3mg of jw into 10-15ml of ace. I put the ace into my pyrex measuring cup and then put in the jw in and mixed it, i didnt mix it for very long just long enough for it to dissolve, about 2-3 minutes
then I put the mix into my little HDPE(walmart)spray bottle
I spread my 14 grams of herb in my long glass baking dish(i dont know what the significance of glass as the dish but I decided to use glass).
I tried to spread it as flat as possible and then I started spraying it with the solution.
you really dont want to saturate it, so thats why its important to use a minimal amount of acetone. my spray bottle will not work properly with less than about 20ml.
some .025 will provoke a buzz in anybody so dont overdo it
If your going to use a whole gram or more, try to use as little ace as possible. just enough to coat your herbs. I know other posts say 4ml but ive found that impossible.
15-25ml max per gram. and thats still a little much but many
spray bottles cannot work properly without at least 20ml of liquid.