Legal Caregiver Needing Help MATURE help

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
how much should i be watering 2 week old seedlings in 5 gallon pots.. not how often but how much. like 2 cups? not sure what right amount is but i dont want to over water. also how often should i feed from here on out. like every 3 days?

Welcome to RIU Man. Enjoy The Site :cool:

First Off, bein a "Legal Caregiver" I gotta say, are you doing this for buisness or pleasure? You can't over water them unless you give them too much, you will give them too much when you can't understand the plant. They will tell you how much to water them, given certain Temps(which you did not say) they could be drying up quickly, or they could be drinking it up we don't know. Either way, when the Pots light, water, give them what they want, talk to them make them lift up their Skirts.

Same with feeding. You can't say how much, we don't know what strain, and on top of that, different phenos like different feeding sceduals... Feed them what they want. You're going to need to check the Ph everytime you do this, and yes, it's a Cal Mag Def..

Another(easier) way to go about this; don't put such a young plant in a huge ass Pot/Bucket. It's harder to know how much they need and how much their taking in, it's good to transplant to see what the root system is like, Trying to Cut through the easy way of not Transplanting can Hurt in the long run. *Guilty*

Unless they're autoflowers, Put them in a Cup, or In a Egg carton. A good rule of thumb is a gallon to every foot of plant height. Giving them more room to grow while small actually slows down root growth(Don't quote me on that)

Anyways, you seem to be doing fine, minus the Def(Take care of that)
Learn how to read the plants and you can convince yourself you're doing this for pleasure.... Buisness is for Cash Croppers.

And don't be discouraged either. Lots of folks around here you can relate as well. I find it alot more fun when you actually get into it... Kinda like Putting the Ham in The Oven Instead Of Eating Off the Burner Yadadamean?

I'm not knockin either... Don't take it the Wrong way. Some People Though, it's like Their School On a Sunday.... No Class


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU Man. Enjoy The Site :cool:

Another(easier) way to go about this; don't put such a young plant in a huge ass Pot/Bucket. It's harder to know how much they need and how much their taking in, it's good to transplant to see what the root system is like, Trying to Cut through the easy way of not Transplanting can Hurt in the long run. *
I agree. Very hard to water when in such a huge pot. The issue is takes a ton of water to saturate the soil but she is only drinking a little. You want the roots to seek water out.

I go from germination into a solo cup (with drain holes added). I let her stay in there until her roots are wrapping a bit around the sides and bottom of the solo cup and then transplant into my 3 gal pots.

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
also a few of my plants have i think a manganese deficiency
I don't believe in a 'deficiency' on a two week old plant...
And it is my opinion, that what you think may be a problem, may just have been those bottom leaves resting on soil.
If only the bottom leaves of your plants have issues, then, I would do nothing, to fix...
Handling, touching, soil, grease, oil anything left on fingers will transfer to what you touch on plant...
If you smoke, then touch leaf, anyway, you get the picture...
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in a 'deficiency' on a two week old plant...
Well, at least not in soil :)

I agree though, this probably isn't a deficiency. My bet is on the ol' watering problems. Looks too dry atm. If you starts adding nutes it will likely lead to the 2nd most common problem, nute burn/overdose. Plants that stage barely need nutes.

You shouldn't mess with PH at all on soil especially bio - that's what creates the problems.

Edit: didn't notice previous post/pic when I posted... Edit2: ow.. is random pic diff forum...


Well-Known Member
I don't use pots so big, but even so I would thoroughly water it next time you water. You want all the soil moist. You probably won't need to water it again for a week after that. Make sure you have plenty of drainage for the excess to drain out, then let it dry out before next watering. Continue feeding it. They are old enough to be ready for veg nutrients.


Well-Known Member
the only way to know HOW MUCH TO GIVE THEM is to let them dry out completely pick up the pot and feel the weight of it then water until it comes out of the holes in the bottom of the bucket and or over flows the top. count how many gallons of water you used to completely water the pot. feel the weight of the pot after watering. then you will be able to just go out and lift the bucket and feel if they need water.. myself when i was growing in a 5 gallon bucket i would use almost 2 gallons to completely water my plant .. as time goes by the older it got the more roots built up and the less water it took to get thru to the bottom of the bucket due to a lot more roots..this early in there stage the roots are all the way up top and it takes more water to get to the roots and you always want the pot to dry out before you water so the roots can get oxygen .. i hope that kinda answers your question of how much water to give them..
im gunna take some recent pic so everyone gets a clear idea whats going on. how much should i be watering. i know when the need water kinda. i just dont know how much to give at a time. i gave them 1/4 dose of bio root, bio weed. camg+, and bio thrive grow. i mixed it in a 1 gallon. dechlorinated tap water, i gave each plant 1 cup of it. i wasted like half gallon. they dont seem nute burned at all. im gunna water today. i just need to know how much. also ill post clearer pics of the leafs and new pics of all together.


Well-Known Member
how much should i be watering 2 week old seedlings in 5 gallon pots.. not how often but how much. like 2 cups? i gave them thier first dose of nutes.. 1 cup of mix to each plant. not sure what right amount is but i dont want to over water. also how often should i feed from here on out. like every 3 days. i started 1/4 dose of bio root, bio weed, bio thrive grow and camg+. also a few of my plants have i think a manganese deficiency from ph being too high. i havent checked it yet. but heres the pic of what it looks like
Looks like you watered and it got on the leaf and dried
if i water 15 day old plants in 5 gallon pots till the soil is saturated and there runoff wont that DROWND the plants. or cause root rot?


Well-Known Member
i do spray them w/ dechlorinated tap water a few times a day.. would that cause this??
Not sure. The brown stuff I see looks like dried nutes. I don't spray I start off in the red party cups, then 1 gallon pots until I get read to flower then I swap to 5 gallon and still keep the lights on 18/6 for more growth I wouldn't water until run off with that little thing. The soil would stay moist at the bottom until the roots reach it.. A week plus..

I'm nt a expert. By any means so I may be wrong. Here's my plantain a 1 gallon ATM

i need to add I'm using a hps bulb because the mh blew and I'm not done vegging


Not sure. The brown stuff I see looks like dried nutes. I don't spray I start off in the red party cups, then 1 gallon pots until I get read to flower then I swap to 5 gallon and still keep the lights on 18/6 for more growth I wouldn't water until run off with that little thing. The soil would stay moist at the bottom until the roots reach it.. A week plus..

I'm nt a expert. By any means so I may be wrong. Here's my plantain a 1 gallon ATM

i need to add I'm using a hps bulb because the mh blew and I'm not done vegging
it first showed up the day after transplant. i wasnt running any nutes yet.


Well-Known Member
Stop spraying them. Let them grow roots if they want water. At the stage your plant is the most common cause of problems, even death, is the grower. Adding nutes at this stage, adjusting PH, spraying, all unnecessary risks that often cause more problems than improvements.

There are cracks in your soil, a sign of being too dry. How much water and how often is needed depends a lot on the soil and the container/pot size as well as the light, temps, and vent. If you really want to know, get the magic wand for soil growers: a Blumat tensio meter.


Well-Known Member
There isn't a formula to figure out how much water really. As they get bigger they need more. Then toward the end it seems like they don't need quite as much the last few weeks. I do what bass does and water when it feels lighter. Some times it seems like I'll water every day for 4 days then every other for a week etc. Good luck!

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Novice they look healthy. Like others said lift the pot. Feel the weight if the first couple of inches feels dry water. Soil grows take a minute to reach full potential. For the love of god Please,please... Get a grow book or research a lot of repeat questions. Learn it before you burn it!! Your growing for someone in need of meds hope your work benefits the patient.


Active Member
Edit: Let shit in my life effect how I talked to Medicated420. All but below deleted by me, I was a dick again.

Get rid of the solo cups if you want to start in small pot size may I suggest half gal or1 gal grow bags or pots.
They will drain much better and in turn produce better root systems.