Legal Grow, Issues with SOG. Plants aren't healthy.


Active Member

I am having major problems with my plants.

Anyone have any ideas? 24/0 right now watering with nutes at half strength.

42% RH.

My lower leaves keep browining and crisping up. Do not want to lose this crop, I have 105 of these. :)


Active Member
Looks like a ph issue
PH is around 6.8-7 with my well water. I live in the country so water is not an issue. I will re-PH just to be sure.

Can anyone recommend a PH/PPM meter? I'm sick of doing this with fish tank strips.... :(

too much water and too much nutes.
I have been watering them every day. Too much it seems. I fed them at week 2. Half strength nutes.

Nutes are called "Grow Juice". It's a local hydro store's mix I think.

I really don't want to screw this up. Completely..... think there is any way to fix this situation?

I have stopped watering until they dry out. Going to flush for awhile. Is that all I can do?

Should I toss down a layer of dolomite lime on top of the soil to make sure the PH of the soil is good?

Any help would be extremely appreciated my friend.

Thank you so much. :)