In Soviet Russia: car drives you!in amsterdam, marijuana is a legal high
LMFAO dat episode is jokesIn Soviet Russia: car drives you!
If you are going to start doing bzp you might as well check out research chemicals like 2ci and methylone. Erowid BZP Vault, Erowid Methylone Vault (Explosion, bk-MDMA, Ease) ,Erowid Psychoactive Chemical Vaults, Erowid 2C-I (2CI) Vault,I have wasted a good amount of money looking for legal smokes/highs. Check out Premium Herbal Smoke ..... I have purchased an OZ of their "fusion". It will get you high. I have also had very positive experiences with BZP (A smooth high that is said to be like x). The BZP is now illegal in the USA but you can find places in Canada and the EU that will ship to the U.S. I have done business with Magic bus Trip Magic Bus and have not had anything seized yet.
I have gotten some bzp and it is OK. It is like 2ci but 2ci is a lot cleaner with no hang over the next day. Not that i have gotten a hang over the next day from bzp. But i have read that it can give you one if you do too much. I have never dropped more than one pill each trip. Its really not like X it is more like shrooms or mescaline. If you want something like X then get methylone it is molecule different than X. If you are going to do any research chemical do your research. They come in powder form and the doses are in milligrams, so you need a digital scale that weighs in milligrams. If you don't you can really hurt your self. Erowid Methylone Vault (Explosion, bk-MDMA, Ease) , Erowid 2C-I (2CI) Vault , Erowid BZP VaultAccording to wiki anyway.
Toxic effects
A 'ecstasy' tablet containing BZP, methamphetamine, and caffeine
As with most sympathomimetic stimulants there appear to be significant side effects associated with BZP use. BZP reportedly produces insomnia and a mild to severe hangover after the drug effect wears off,[20] however, some manufacturers in New Zealand have started including recovery pills which contain 5-HTP and vitamins which allegedly ease these hangovers.
The major side effects include dilated pupils, dryness of the mouth, extreme alertness, pruritus, confusion, agitation, tremor, dystonia, headache, dizziness, anxiety, insomnia, vomiting, chest pain, tachycardia, hypertension, palpitations, collapse, hyperventilation, hyperthermia, and problems with urine retention.[20][22][23][24] The more severe toxic effects include psychosis,[25] renal toxicity,[12] and seizure.[20][22]