Legal marijuana will soon become extinct.......

I invite everybody to read the Cole Memo, on the somewhat current government stance on states with legal MJ. Not look at a federal report showing the possible drawbacks of legalization.

Dont want to read the Memo?.. I'll simplify..

MJ is illegal on the federal level, they classify MJ as a schedule 1 substance, however they would prefer MJ be a local matter of enforcement. Federal authority could come into play under the criteria listed in the memo, diversion to illegal markets, selling to minors.. etc.. Federal enforcement could still come into play IF they see the need.

So this means..

If you are following local rules and regulations for medical growing, you are most likely safe.

However.. this is just speculation, IF the government decides to reclassify cannabis under a different schedule, they could make this a prescription drug available only in the pharmacy.. so its possible medical grows could fall under federal enforcement if they move in this direction.
I personally think they will make it like tobacco, to many countries are moving to regulations that carry it as tobacco or alcohol. A insanely high priced permit to grow for resale, and any unpermitted sale will be trouble.
I personally think they will make it like tobacco, to many countries are moving to regulations that carry it as tobacco or alcohol. A insanely high priced permit to grow for resale, and any unpermitted sale will be trouble.

Recreational permits are not insanely high priced where i'm at, they start at 1000 dollars per year. Even at the lower volume permits you can grow nearly 20lb every 60 days.
Fox News? Really?
They just make shit up.

The legalization train has left the station and is picking up speed.

.....No u turns. refunds.....
All I have to say about this kinda thing is such: Our democrazy has been hacked.

It's really not a joke. Coming from that knowledge base myself. I have to say... those electronic voting booths are a huge mistake. The Diebolt scandal, if anyone remembers has already demonstrated it.
If you live in a state with legalization or medical laws you understand what it means by the "train has left the station" and "the genie is out of the bottle." If you don't live in a state with legalization, it sounds like the legalized states are running around mad "pottin' it up."

However, the industry.. Medical, recreational, Industrial Hemp, and Commercial Hemp... it is providing massive jobs, tax revenues both local and state, AND FEDERAL TAXES, paving roads, renovating schools, buying photovoltaics to supplement the grid... Colorado had to have a tax-free day because it didnt want to give back any of the surplus tax they collected. With each state seeing the obvious benefits economically, it is easier to deal with people getting high.

Couple that with 100% true data factual evidence that 75-79% of those who come into a dispensary --medical or recreational -- are between the age of 45 and 69. One would expect those closer to the age of 21, but really those people still get it from their street sources who grow better product. Due to going recreational we have seen product quality suffer dramatically because tourists who dont know any better are yelling "shut up and take my money!"

Literally every day you can sit in a dispensary and hear the same Vietnam stories, the same Willy Wonka first time in stories, the same I can outgrow anything you have here stories... I am inclined to believe that more like 80% of our current population either has ingested marijuana in one form or another but only a little over 50% are willing to publicly admit it for one reason or another.

I have talked to many officials who are not only progressive on the matter but directly support it. Still, no better reason to get off your ass and vote for someone pot friendly instead of not voting or voting for any of the windbags. =)
America took 1984 by George Orwell, and the movie Wall Street not as the cautionary tales they were meant to be, but as templates to apply to life.

We now have a paranoid, fascist enforcement state nervously watching a country that's legalized so many forms of corruption it can't keep them all straight.

Confused yet? If you're not, you're missing something. Pull a noodle out of this mess and more insanity comes flying out at you; like, why a large swath of voters (non rich conservatives) would support a party that's so obviously against their economic best interests?

This country is JACKED, because it no longer does what it tells the world and its own citizenry it does; we are not a democracy, we don't promote justice in the world, we don't provide opportunity for our people, we aren't prospering, we are stealing from the poor and giving it to the rich... and that's just off the top of my head.

Of course it's not sustainable! The question is not whether a crash will happen, it's only a matter of when and how bad!

Scared yet? You should be; America's defense budget is bigger than the next dozen largest budgets in the world... COMBINED. Friends and foes alike.

Yet we pay more attention to Brittney Spears than police brutality. Oh no- instead, we've been spending the last decade larding police departments across the country with military hardware!

Does this sound like any way to encourage the official respect of private civil rights? LOL
Yea, the whole life imitating art thing.
Your lives will be much better for those of you who watch Faux News if you simply turn that TV off. If you hear any crazy ass stories from the shivering, huddled, unwashed masses, just do some simple research to debunk 90% of the junk, then realize that of the remaining 9% you can really only change 1% and that involves getting off the couch to go talk to your representatives. If I am a representative and I hear the bitches and complaints of 99 problem making asshats but there is that 1 beacon of sanity... Who is the majority? Who do you have to listen to? The ONE person who makes sense, or "the masses" who you have a duty and obligation to listen to and represent.

The country is not shit. We The People are letting the bad corporate entities take our country to shit and split it apart overseas. I represent that one beacon of sanity because I AM talking to officials and people who write the laws and I know how they feel. I promise you if we worked as hard at getting our "rights" and "liberties" back as GE lobbies to avoid tax... or if we worked as hard at telling our Senators, Representatives, Council-members, and Commissioners our real condition and how to solve the problems as we do at attempting to push more Trichome production or figure out what is wrong with our plants... Well we would get somewhere now, wouldn't we? It comes down to a matter of priorities.

Hell, when I was unemployed I hung around my local government area. I had nothing better to do than to just sit online wasting time. So when I was doing unemployment search I figured I would waste some of their time on my wasted time since I am paying taxes and not receiving much at all in return. You know, grab the bull by its horns. Instead, I actually used my time wisely. I got to know the local Commissioners there, the Property Valuation Office, went and checked out the huge vault of record, blah blah blah... I networked and talked to all the old ladies and everyone in a suit behind a desk I could. Sure I annoyed the majority of them; I wanted to. Of course I wasted a bunch of my time, but I was going to waste it anyway. I actually networked and represented some of the issues that locality faced, and the city started to put attention toward these things.

Could other people have been talking to them about the same things and I was the one to bring balance to the force? Was I that one extra gram that made the teeter-totter give way to social remedies? Or was I the lone voice that stood out from the crowd and instead of complaining offered several solutions to the issues I was frustrated with? Could I have been ONE person that made things happen?

Who knows. All that matters is action. The TV is here to scare you. Hell, doesn't even Faux News tell you this? Take whatever fears you have and turn it into power. The only real power someone or something has over you is the power you give them/it. Suggested reading: The Power of Choice - Break Out of Your Personal Prison. I had the opportunity to meet and hear this man's story and talk at length with him. He was in Chikurubi Max Security Prison in Zimbabwe for 12 years 8 months.

Break Free. The majority of people support Marijuana consumption, and as more people show their solidarity, more people will feel like it is OK to come out of the shadows. Though I really don't suggest you do it as flagrantly as numbskulls here in Colorado do. I have seen with my own eyes a knucklehead pack a bowl in the middle of Denver sidewalk and light up in public as a cop was standing outside of his vehicle on the other side of the street. You CAN be arrested for that but some people are just ignorant. When Amendment 64 passed, there was a long long long line out of every dispensary for the first couple of days. How many of them do you think were Medical patients? Not many. How many were locals? Probably less than a quarter. There were so many waves and waves of tourists, mostly from Texas, Kansas, Illinois, and Florida. Now, if you go by the thousands of colored pins stuck into the maps that most dispensaries have posted, you can really see what I am talking about.

Teetotalers may become extinct soon. Sorry for the excessive post. I just want you guys to help me and get the rest of the United States get on board so we no longer have to have these discussions!
Who knows. All that matters is action. The TV is here to scare you. Hell, doesn't even Faux News tell you this? Take whatever fears you have and turn it into power. The only real power someone or something has over you is the power you give them/it.
Break Free. The majority of people support Marijuana consumption, and as more people show their solidarity, more people will feel like it is OK to come out of the shadows. Though I really don't suggest you do it as flagrantly as numbskulls here in Colorado do.

I've been participating in the local shaping of the rules, with online commentary to the Marijuana Control Board and in public testimony, my own eyes have seen it change with public opinion, even with the problem of MJ being illegal at the federal level, the people want this. I really wish more would participate.

I agree with you on flagrant consumption, it serves little purpose to move things forward. The real heroes to me are the people that push policy forward..
Your lives will be much better for those of you who watch Faux News if you simply turn that TV off. If you hear any crazy ass stories from the shivering, huddled, unwashed masses, just do some simple research to debunk 90% of the junk, then realize that of the remaining 9% you can really only change 1% and that involves getting off the couch to go talk to your representatives. If I am a representative and I hear the bitches and complaints of 99 problem making asshats but there is that 1 beacon of sanity... Who is the majority? Who do you have to listen to? The ONE person who makes sense, or "the masses" who you have a duty and obligation to listen to and represent.

The country is not shit. We The People are letting the bad corporate entities take our country to shit and split it apart overseas. I represent that one beacon of sanity because I AM talking to officials and people who write the laws and I know how they feel. I promise you if we worked as hard at getting our "rights" and "liberties" back as GE lobbies to avoid tax... or if we worked as hard at telling our Senators, Representatives, Council-members, and Commissioners our real condition and how to solve the problems as we do at attempting to push more Trichome production or figure out what is wrong with our plants... Well we would get somewhere now, wouldn't we? It comes down to a matter of priorities.

Hell, when I was unemployed I hung around my local government area. I had nothing better to do than to just sit online wasting time. So when I was doing unemployment search I figured I would waste some of their time on my wasted time since I am paying taxes and not receiving much at all in return. You know, grab the bull by its horns. Instead, I actually used my time wisely. I got to know the local Commissioners there, the Property Valuation Office, went and checked out the huge vault of record, blah blah blah... I networked and talked to all the old ladies and everyone in a suit behind a desk I could. Sure I annoyed the majority of them; I wanted to. Of course I wasted a bunch of my time, but I was going to waste it anyway. I actually networked and represented some of the issues that locality faced, and the city started to put attention toward these things.

Could other people have been talking to them about the same things and I was the one to bring balance to the force? Was I that one extra gram that made the teeter-totter give way to social remedies? Or was I the lone voice that stood out from the crowd and instead of complaining offered several solutions to the issues I was frustrated with? Could I have been ONE person that made things happen?

Who knows. All that matters is action. The TV is here to scare you. Hell, doesn't even Faux News tell you this? Take whatever fears you have and turn it into power. The only real power someone or something has over you is the power you give them/it. Suggested reading: The Power of Choice - Break Out of Your Personal Prison. I had the opportunity to meet and hear this man's story and talk at length with him. He was in Chikurubi Max Security Prison in Zimbabwe for 12 years 8 months.

Break Free. The majority of people support Marijuana consumption, and as more people show their solidarity, more people will feel like it is OK to come out of the shadows. Though I really don't suggest you do it as flagrantly as numbskulls here in Colorado do. I have seen with my own eyes a knucklehead pack a bowl in the middle of Denver sidewalk and light up in public as a cop was standing outside of his vehicle on the other side of the street. You CAN be arrested for that but some people are just ignorant. When Amendment 64 passed, there was a long long long line out of every dispensary for the first couple of days. How many of them do you think were Medical patients? Not many. How many were locals? Probably less than a quarter. There were so many waves and waves of tourists, mostly from Texas, Kansas, Illinois, and Florida. Now, if you go by the thousands of colored pins stuck into the maps that most dispensaries have posted, you can really see what I am talking about.

Teetotalers may become extinct soon. Sorry for the excessive post. I just want you guys to help me and get the rest of the United States get on board so we no longer have to have these discussions!

I could not have said that better because I use the same finger to type as I do to gesture to greedy corporations and certain government bureaucracies; it takes me forever. I have been an activist in Oregon almost since the beginning. If you are not willing to get out there and get punched in the face,literally, those rights are just going to slip away. I would like to help rally at a national level, but I'm still dealing with the problems that we have here in Oregon. It's not over! If I can get the local TV station to release it to me (pay for it) I'll have some funny videos to post someday. I feel that I should also say " beware of benevolent out of state millionaires/ billionaires who offer to help."


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Ya all know something really crazy...the establishment that controls Canada led the people of Canada into believing that Canada is a free country upon itself. The Canadian was led to believe all kinds of crazy stuff like we have rights, freedoms and privileges. But when a person goes to put these so-called rights into action the establishment always has some wishy washy way of denying these so-called rights. Then to find out that our so-called elected government does not swear allegiance to Canada, but swears allegiance to Britain. Our Canadian elected government is controlled by British State Policy.

Have you ever had any second thoughts about your country?
I invite everybody to read the Cole Memo, on the somewhat current government stance on states with legal MJ. Not look at a federal report showing the possible drawbacks of legalization.

However.. this is just speculation, IF the government decides to reclassify cannabis under a different schedule, they could make this a prescription drug available only in the pharmacy.. so its possible medical grows could fall under federal enforcement if they move in this direction.

This is most likely what will happen. The Federal Government has to have their hand in the cookie jar somehow, whether it be taxes or regulatory oversight.
This is most likely what will happen. The Federal Government has to have their hand in the cookie jar somehow, whether it be taxes or regulatory oversight.

Exactly! They've probably already designed the logo, modified the seal, laid out the signs and printed up the CATF or MATF stationery. Even Trump is touting Cannabis as America's most profitable cash crop.

The problem is that you can't trust any politician, even when they're bought, they won't stay bought. Look at Hillary, jus a few weeks ago she was only reluctantly in favor of "very strictly limited, supervised medical use for a few conditions such as epilepsy" now she's saying something else, but it's unclear exactly what. I don't know about the rest of this audience, but this time I'm going to be a one-issue voter and wishy-washy crap like that just ain't gonna cut it. To quote the old song, I need a hero!

"The problem with crooked politicians is that they make the other ten percent look bad!"
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From what I have read one of the worst things a person can do to the environment is grow marijuana.
And people who use solar panels are taking all the energy away from the sun.
I know Santa hands out coal if a person is bad...what does he give to retarded people that don't even realize that they are abusing innocent people?