Legalazation : Auma 2016 and MMRSA

That's a whole lot of bullshit! You obviously don't know anything about mmrsa, because the licenses don't start until 2018, so you saying some people have them already is not true. It also sounds like you don't know the difference between medical use and adult use, so please keep your tinfoil hat opinions to yourself.

AUMA plainly states that medical patients will not have to pay Sales tax. The taxes established by AUMA will be for adult use sales.


I said local licensing not state. State licensing starts in 2018. A lot of cities and counties have already started doing licensing. Inda gro just recenntly spent 40k on licensing for their 151 farms in san diego after being raided for zoning violations that went into effect via mmrsa last January .

When you get licensing you get local first then state. it's $40k to city and another 40k to state

If you read Auma you would see its very contradictive and have to bw worked out in courts for years. Mmrsa which is 3 different bills ab266, ab243, sb 643, does go after doctors. and so does auma.

Read ab266 sb 643 and sb 243 and you will see. stop reading the cliff notes from norml. Read the actual initiatives

the senate recently passed another bill adding another 15% in taxes which will go to the customer and the patient. the original 15% doesn't.
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You just don't understand the difference in the laws. Prop 215 is about patients, and mmrsa regulates the commercial side of MMJ. AUMA is only about adult use, although it does give some new benefits for patients.

One of the benefits is that patients don't have to pay sales tax. I guess you should read it.

from sb 643

This bill would, among other things, set forth standards for a physician and surgeon prescribing medical cannabis and require that the Medical Board of California to prioritize its investigative and prosecutorial resources to identify and discipline physicians and surgeons that have repeatedly recommended excessive cannabis to patients for medical purposes or repeatedly recommending cannabis to patients for medical purposes without a good faith examination, as specified. The bill would require the Bureau of Medical Marijuana to require an applicant to furnish a full set of fingerprints for the purposes of conducting criminal history record checks. The bill would prohibit a physician and surgeon who recommends cannabis to a patient for a medical purpose from accepting, soliciting, or offering any form of remuneration from a facility licensed under the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act. The bill would make a violation of this prohibition a misdemeanor, and by creating a new crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

You can't buy your rec anymore. You have to get a rec from an attending physician at a hospital. You're going to have be terminal for that to happen.

from auma

SECTION 5. USE OF MARIJUANA FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. Sections 11362.712, 11362.713, 11362.84 and 11362.85 are added to the Health and Safety Code, and 11362.755 of the Health and Safety Code is amended to read: 11362.712. (a) Commencing on January 1, 2018,

a qualified patient must possess a physician's recommendation that complies with Article 25 (commencing with Section 2525) of Chapter 5 of Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code. Failure to comply with this requirement shall not, however, affect any of the protections provided to patients or their primary caregivers by Section 113 62. 5. (b) A county health department or the county's designee shall develop protocols to ensure that, commencing upon January 1, 2018, all identification cards issued pursuant to Section 11362. 71 are supported by a physician's recommendation that complies with Article 25 (commencing with Section 2525) of Chapter 5 of Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code. 11362. 713. (a) Information identifying the names, addresses, or social security numbers of patients, their medical conditions, or the names of their primary caregivers, received and contained in the records of the Department of Public Health and by any county public health department are hereby deemed "medical information" within the meaning of the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (Civil Code§ 56, et seq.) and shall not be disclosed by the Department or by any county public health deparhnent except in accordance with the restrictions on disclosure of individually identifiable information under the Confidentiality of Medical Iriformation Act. (b) Within 24 hours of receiving any request to disclose the name, address, or social security number of a patient, their medical condition, or the name of their primary caregiver, the Department of Public Health or any county public health agency shall contact the patient and inform the patient of the request and if the request was made in writing, a copy of the request. (c) Notwithstanding Section 56.10 of the Civil Code, neither the Department of Public Health, nor any county public health agency, shall disclose, nor shall they be ordered by agency or court to disclose, the names, addresses, or social security numbers of patients, their medical 9

so basically unless you are dying you won't be able to get a rec. Then you have to adhere to recreational laws. 6 plants, 1 ounce. Anymore than that and you get 6 months in jail and a $500 fine.

You know feds and the state will spend billions to catch people exceeding limits to make examples out of them.

Any license violations will result in license being revoked and the fine is the cost of the licenses
Jesus, more of your delusions! So thanks for quoting the law, so all of us can see why your tin foil hat statements are false.
from sb 643
You can't buy your rec anymore. You have to get a rec from an attending physician at a hospital. You're going to have be terminal for that to happen.
so basically unless you are dying you won't be able to get a rec. Then you have to adhere to recreational laws. 6 plants, 1 ounce. Anymore than that and you get 6 months in jail and a $500 fine.

You know feds and the state will spend billions to catch people exceeding limits to make examples out of them.

Any license violations will result in license being revoked and the fine is the cost of the licenses

No way, Man! You must be a terminal patient to get a rec? How do you make up this shit?

Cleaning up the medical practices of doctors is a good thing. Right now, you can go to a clinic, and get a rec without even seeing a doctor! I guess that's what you mean by "buying a rec." Get rid of the shysters, and everything will be better for patients. The CA Medical Board is the one who disciplines doctors, and these Skype recommendations will end, because the doctors will lose their medical license if they continue doing it. No new law is required to that to happen, last month a doctor in Orange County lost his license because he was issuing recs over Skype.

There may be some taxes, but patients will pay much less under AUMA.

Jesus, more of your delusions! So thanks for quoting the law, so all of us can see why your tin foil hat statements are false.

No way, Man! You must be a terminal patient to get a rec? How do you make up this shit?

Cleaning up the medical practices of doctors is a good thing. Right now, you can go to a clinic, and get a rec without even seeing a doctor! I guess that's what you mean by "buying a rec." Get rid of the shysters, and everything will be better for patients. The CA Medical Board is the one who disciplines doctors, and these Skype recommendations will end, because the doctors will lose their medical license if they continue doing it. No new law is required to that to happen, last month a doctor in Orange County lost his license because he was issuing recs over Skype.

There may be some taxes, but patients will pay much less under AUMA.


You just contradicted yourself. you said I'm delusional then you said basically what I said. so prop 215 will be gone. I won't be able to get a rec as of Jan 2018. The place I've been renewing my rec has been in the same location for 8 years. They don't do Skype anymore. they stopped that 2 years ago. I fill out paperwork. see a doctor for 10 min. then I get my rec and I pay $40. I know there's loop holes. Technically any doctor you see can be an attending physician. Prop 215 allows these doctors to practice as they have. Mmrsa and auma tries to put it to an end.
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Obviously we are on an entirely different page than rollitup on mmj and ca laws. I've seen negative shit already stsrt happening. Towns and cities have already outright banned cultivation in anticipation of the new laws. It is not good for patients and that's where I stand. If I could actually ignore rollitup I would. Lol
I've lost track of all of your pea-brained delusions.

Luckily, most people will not entertain your claims, and will support the initiative. No matter what you two say, AUMA will be better for everyone.

The main thing is stopping the pigs from breaking in our doors, and pave the way for the federal government to finally act on this in a positive way for the entire country.

I've lost track of all of your pea-brained delusions.

Luckily, most people will not entertain your claims, and will support the initiative. No matter what you two say, AUMA will be better for everyone.

The main thing is stopping the pigs from breaking in our doors, and pave the way for the federal government to finally act on this in a positive way for the entire country.


please read the initiatives and stop talking out your ass. Obviously you're aligned to get your commercial licensing so you're in support of auma. I'm surprised you haven't pulled a Todd McCormick and called all the people who don't support auma racist.

Auma creates more felonies and fines than what exists right now and that is fact. All you have to do is read Auma

getting caught with a pound of weed now is a misdemeanor. Less than an ounce is an infraction. Under auma getting caught with 29 grams is a felony. That is fact.
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Please stop posting this bullshit! You don't know much, but I'm glad you think you do.

Guys like you spout crap, and then say "that is fact." I'd laugh if it wasn't so pathetic.

I already said just a few posts back that I will not be getting a mmrsa license, and I don't know why that would make me in favor of AUMA. You're obviously still confused about these two issues, mmrsa is about MMJ, and AUMA is about adult use.

"Getting caught with a pound of weed is a misdemeanor" ?? Oh yeah, until they slap a sales felony on you, which they always do. Not just one felony either, they make up 5 or 6 felonies. You are not paying attention.

AUMA is not perfect, but it will be a far better situation for all Californians once it passes. Also good for the entire country, it will pave the way for this country to finally end the war on marijuana consumers. The main thing is to stop the pigs from breaking down our doors, and robbing us. It has happened to me, and I want it to stop.

Please vote for Prop 64.

So as a patient I will now have to pay a tax? I can't afford to live as it is,
I guess driving with an expired license would be much more cost effective/ less punishable.
the more I read about all this the more its like California is out of touch with the will of the people.
Its just going to go to big business big pharma and big tobacco with the lobbyists they can swing around.

It reminded me of FTP servers and napster and how file trading eventually turned into itunes store in the end.

It all ends up in the hands for the multinational chemical military industrial complex and the big private prison industrial complex.

2020, buying pot at walmart, grown in china with monsanto seeds.
So as a patient I will now have to pay a tax? I can't afford to live as it is,
I guess driving with an expired license would be much more cost effective/ less punishable.
Yes if you unload your overages for any money at all you need to pay taxes. If they catch you you doing so without paying tax on it you will go to jail for tax fraud. There are different tax rates for leaf and bud even! This thing creates more ways for them to incarcerate you, tax you, and they can remove any privilege they wish with a simple majority vote in Congress.

Because of them being able to change it in Congress... unlike prop215, you will for sure be gradually losing more rights as they legislate them away.

This is sponsored by rich people who want to make themselves more wealthy. There is no compassion in auma and mmrsa, only greed. The two were formulated by the same group of people and work to compliment one another.
Please stop posting this bullshit! You don't know much, but I'm glad you think you do.

Guys like you spout crap, and then say "that is fact." I'd laugh if it wasn't so pathetic.

I already said just a few posts back that I will not be getting a mmrsa license, and I don't know why that would make me in favor of AUMA. You're obviously still confused about these two issues, mmrsa is about MMJ, and AUMA is about adult use.

"Getting caught with a pound of weed is a misdemeanor" ?? Oh yeah, until they slap a sales felony on you, which they always do. Not just one felony either, they make up 5 or 6 felonies. You are not paying attention.

AUMA is not perfect, but it will be a far better situation for all Californians once it passes. Also good for the entire country, it will pave the way for this country to finally end the war on marijuana consumers. The main thing is to stop the pigs from breaking down our doors, and robbing us. It has happened to me, and I want it to stop.

Please vote for Prop 64.


have you ever been busted before. I have about 6 times. I lawyered up half the time The most I ever paid was a $300 fine. That was for 18 oz. Another time I got caught with 12 oz. I paid $40 court assessment fee and a $40 fee to a 1 day drug and alcohol awareness class.

one time I did spend 10 days in jail. The judge said the police had no right to arrest me. The judge took off 3 speeding tickets and 1 was an fta and dropped all possession charges for time served.

Then once I got my rec. I was fine. I had cops in my garden and they didn't do anything. I got rolled with 2 pounds once and had my patient copies with me and they let me go without taking anything.

You get caught with a pound. you get a ticket. Then you show up to felony criminal court. The da tells you that you are being charged with a misdemeanor and have to pay a $300 fine. and that's it. You never get convicted of a felony for pot in california.

Theses days when shops get raided. No charges are ever filed. if they are they're dropped the next day. Then a law suit is filed against the city the city ends up paying out millions .

that's how it really works

You keep talking shit. To anyone who has read the Auma initiative can plainly see you don't have a single clue of what you are talking about.

quit spewing your nonsense trying to trick people in voting for losing their rights

Everything I posted I backed it up with documentation from the actual initiatives

you haven't shown any documentation to back up your fictitious claims

mmrsa is not just about medical, it's also about commercial licensing- ab266,, doctors- sb643, and state agencies - ab 243. Obviously you haven't read the 3 bills that make up mmrsa
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Well, rave on Man! Everyone can see exactly what you are all about. You forgot to say we should all run away, because the sky is falling.

Yes, I've been busted, by a swat pig raid at dawn. I was thrown in jail, and I ended up losing my home. People are still being busted today, and you think everyone gets off with a slap. Just proves that you are not actually paying attention. That's fine.

So now, we've heard your conspiracy theory about AUMA. Thanks for that, so please don't mention it again on this forum.

Please vote Yes on Prop 64.

Yeah... I've done time for weed. So now we know we all have been locked up... yay.

If this was truly good legislation you would have all of us behind it. However, there is a very large amount of people who feel just like hy and I do. We are hardly alone in our sentiments about auma and mmrsa and it's gradually spreading out here. November will tell the tale.
I've been fighting for this since the 70's. Unless you have too you cannot understand how important it is for this to pass. I saw what happened in 2010 with Prop 19, when many in our community campaigned against it. They all said we'll have a better one in 2 years, and now it has been 6 years! How many of those nay-sayers got busted in those 6 years? If this one doesn't pass, then how many more years? It will be at least 4 years for our next chance, and maybe never. How many people will be busted in those years? Maybe one of them will be you.

You must consider the other States, too. If this doesn't pass, how will it delay their prohibition reform, and the Fed making changes, too? How many people will be busted in all of those States? Some places you can be arrested for having a joint!

Like I said before, I saw what happened in this forum in 2010 when so many members signed up solely to campaign against Prop 19. I will not allow that to happen again, so people campaigning against our rare chances to end cannabis prohibition will be shown the door with my boot.

I've been fighting for this since the 70's. Unless you have too you cannot understand how important it is for this to pass. I saw what happened in 2010 with Prop 19, when many in our community campaigned against it. They all said we'll have a better one in 2 years, and now it has been 6 years! How many of those nay-sayers got busted in those 6 years? If this one doesn't pass, then how many more years? It will be at least 4 years for our next chance, and maybe never. How many people will be busted in those years? Maybe one of them will be you.

You must consider the other States, too. If this doesn't pass, how will it delay their prohibition reform, and the Fed making changes, too? How many people will be busted in all of those States? Some places you can be arrested for having a joint!

Like I said before, I saw what happened in this forum in 2010 when so many members signed up solely to campaign against Prop 19. I will not allow that to happen again, so people campaigning against our rare chances to end cannabis prohibition will be shown the door with my boot.


prop 19 was a shady bill. It would have had us all.locked up. It would have been a felony to transport 1 gram if prop 19 passed. It allowed people to grow in 5x5 and only posess 1 ounce in their home only and no one was allowed to transport anything. Dispensaries would have needed a state license. California under prop 19 was only issuing 2 licenses . Shutting down all dispensaries. The licenses would have gone to Richard Lee and Philip Morris.

Look what happened in Washington. The same thing will happen here if Auma passes.

You can talk all the shit you want. The facts are as clear as day for anyone who wishes to read the initiatives. I posted a link to the auma text up above in an earlier post.

So just stop. you're not convincing anyone.

You were wrong about taxes. you were wrong about the doctors being prosecuted, you were wrong about everything you have stated so far.

This is what's wrong with society, people spew bullshit with out backing it up with facts and research
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Yeah, keep talking Man. You've been busted 6 times and nothing happened to you! :roll:

Everyone who believes that stand on your head.

I don't see any feet in the air.

Yeah, keep talking Man. You've been busted 6 times and nothing happened to you! :roll:

Everyone who believes that stand on your head.

I don't see any feet in the air.


4 times I got the 1 day drug and alcohol awareness class. and a $40 fine. The other 2 charges were dropped due to illegal search and seizure . When you get busted for large amounts you fight back on your rights. If you don't want to be search it's your right to say no. If they forcefully search you. They break the law. Then you fight it in court. . Probable cause isn't enough to raid a house. They need a search warrant. Lots of times cops write out a fake warrant. A warrant will have a state seal, penal code violation, description of the offense and a judges signature. A xerox print out is not a warrant.