Legalization = Cheap weed

Out here in mass, we can grow six. So can wifey, with the legal limit at 12 per household period. The generosity allows for bad seasons or conditions, compared to a four plant limit, that’s tough. You lose a couple - few plants to borers, bugs, storms whatever, one can still be ok til next fall. Four plant limits gotta be tough.
can yu grow insde?
Up here in Canada, a certain political party included cannabis legalization in their 2015 election platform. They wanted the votes for something that was in common use anyway. However, tax revenue was a close second in their rationale. That party is now on their 2nd mandate.
Meanwhile, the cannabis companies are facing challenges:
that is a great question.
can yu grow insde?
i would say yes. the big one is, can you grow multiple harvests, can i grow outside in summer and indoor in winter? can i grow indoor back to back harvests? my understanding is the laws refer to outside grows, the additional regulations state the grow must be secured by locks, not be visible to public view. guess that covers indoor as well. in fact, multiple harvest yearly are common. once your bitten by the bug, its hard for some to resist!
Right and nobody's buying it CannabisNB is losing millions every quarter.
Hey New... I see the NB gov't solution is to encourage neighbours to rat out "illegal grows". Yep, can't make a living charging ridiculous prices , so turn on the gestapo and crush the competition. Oh ya the gestapo sucks so lets turn citizens against each other. NB gov't really don't have a clue...for the people...uh huhh. Same old cartel reasoning, Buy my garbage or else.... NB gov;t and other provinces have spent the projected revenue, which never rolled in.... OOPS thats what happens when you wave a carrot in front of greedy business types. Tax money spent to augment cannabis sales? Only in the Stockmarket......
Up here in Canada, a certain political party included cannabis legalization in their 2015 election platform. They wanted the votes for something that was in common use anyway. However, tax revenue was a close second in their rationale. That party is now on their 2nd mandate.
Meanwhile, the cannabis companies are facing challenges:
How bout Liberals can make a whack o cash legalizing and supporting a new industry. Make a windfall for their corporate buddies on the stockmarket and perhaps capitalize on a growing international market . Pot smokers smell up the jail, so lets make it a fine (Gov just wants the cash) Oh ya we'll let people grow and possess legally. OOPS there goes domestic profitability. The legal market acted like a noob grower with a gift card on black friday. OOOh glistening buds, oh BTW we need growers willing to work 8-5 monday to friday for 18 bucks an hour, to be the cornerstone of our business plan... ANYONE? Enter robo gardener LOL Bill Blair we are going to outcompete the black market..with double the price and half the quality, cause lps are all about our safety, and Canadians have been smoking that street poison for like...too long. Suit wearing tokers are calling for gov't regulation so they don't get a poison bindle. AS IF
that is a great question.

i would say yes. the big one is, can you grow multiple harvests, can i grow outside in summer and indoor in winter? can i grow indoor back to back harvests? my understanding is the laws refer to outside grows, the additional regulations state the grow must be secured by locks, not be visible to public view. guess that covers indoor as well. in fact, multiple harvest yearly are common. once your bitten by the bug, its hard for some to resist!
For REC grows yes yes and yes as long as you don't exceed 4 at a time. The numbers are restrictive for continuous harvesting. They consider clones plants, rooted or not. They security recommendations are just that,,,recommendations not rules. The rule about distances from schools and areas young people gather are clear, and concern visibility to the public. Municipalities may further regulate this as well. The security notes are sort of common sense tips Not regulations. ACMPR growers have much more security demands than rec. I just love the no personal possession limit in your residence for dried cannabis. *grin*
The British once banned industrial hemp production in Malawi, so as not to compete w/the Egyptian cotton industry.
Economic laws serve but one purpose, to make 1%ers richer; while screwing over the other 99%.
In my great state, officials are lying to the public; stating medical prices being the same as black market.
Ah, dispensaries are running double the cost.
As for recreational, well that will be taxed by THC % starting in a few weeks.
That same quarter currently sold for $100 will now be taxed at a 19% higher rate.
So someone has to eat the increased government profit, and I doubt that will be Cresco labs.
160-180 for aaa and 100-120 for outdoor since forever.
OZ of good outdoor or shitty street was 160 an oz. before they used the term 'aaa' lol like 15 years ago..... where in ON?T.O.maybe....maybe ifyou know someone. can't touch anything street in central ON for under 220 an oz. Its already experiencing the holiday dry spell, another phenomenon which has been happening since the late 70's
Love that new mailorder quality lingo aaa,aaaa,now aaaaa+, still crap no matter how many aaa's they put on the label. It's really dissappointing to see the general quality out there man. I'd rather smoke my outdoor sugar leaf than pay 150 an ounce for dispensary 'specials' 3 provinces legal weed 7 dispensaries allover ontario, 20-30 strains overall, same story....high priced poorly grown,unflushed dried out mids. It is seriously worth anyones time to learn to grow their own. I'm glad I just smoke herb, I shudder to think of the concentrated poison in the concentrates out there, but hey they are trending.......
OZ of good outdoor or shitty street was 160 an oz. before they used the term 'aaa' lol like 15 years ago..... where in ON?T.O.maybe....maybe ifyou know someone. can't touch anything street in central ON for under 220 an oz. Its already experiencing the holiday dry spell, another phenomenon which has been happening since the late 70's
Old timers have been bringing outdoor in from out east and it's always been cheap because it's outdoor. Hydro has been more expensive since so many of the grow houses were shut down in the early 2000s but that's ironed itself out since then. If you really believe that 220 figure go talk to some bikers.

And aa/aaa has been standard lingo for 25+ years. Never heard anything other than double/triple a ie top shelf and mids. Usually reffering more to bag appeal than quality.

I'd rather smoke my outdoor sugar leaf than pay 150 an ounce for dispensary 'specials'
True dat.
go talk to some bikers
Gave up dealing with them after the russians pulled out of afghanistan and all they peddled was repress, oh that was last millenium lol. "Bikers" don't sell ounces btw, yes unless you "know" one. Street price we're talking, not buddies apartment price? Cheers all and have a Happy Holidays