Legalization Predictions

The super rich aren't thinking about tomorrow's steak dinner. They're smart enough to realize our current world society is doomed. The depletion of cheap energy is going to make life very difficult for everyone but the select few who have accumulated enormous fortunes and a "getaway" plan. maybe a large island in Indonesia outfitted with wind turbines, farm ground, nice villas and a willing staff that appreciates the opportunity to survive.

If I had a billion dollars, that's what I'd be doing.

I'm not kidding. Things could collapse very quickly. All it will take is a few more natural disasters, coupled with damage to our fragile civilization.(Think Japan.)

I really doubt we'll see a spectacular disaster, a la Hollywood. Maybe a few million folks suffocating here, and others starving in Asia and Africa, snowballing into barbarism, world wide as collapse spread.

I doubt we'll hold things together for very much longer. Say, a maximum of twenty years, but it could also be next week.

Optimism is unhealthy.
The super rich aren't thinking about tomorrow's steak dinner. They're smart enough to realize our current world society is doomed. The depletion of cheap energy is going to make life very difficult for everyone but the select few who have accumulated enormous fortunes and a "getaway" plan. maybe a large island in Indonesia outfitted with wind turbines, farm ground, nice villas and a willing staff that appreciates the opportunity to survive.

If I had a billion dollars, that's what I'd be doing.

I'm not kidding. Things could collapse very quickly. All it will take is a few more natural disasters, coupled with damage to our fragile civilization.(Think Japan.)

I really doubt we'll see a spectacular disaster, a la Hollywood. Maybe a few million folks suffocating here, and others starving in Asia and Africa, snowballing into barbarism, world wide as collapse spread.

I doubt we'll hold things together for very much longer. Say, a maximum of twenty years, but it could also be next week.

Optimism is unhealthy.
Idk what this has to do marijuana being legalized but the energy crisis has been solved and as soon as the patent is filed, electricity will be the cost of water.
Idk what this has to do marijuana being legalized but the energy crisis has been solved and as soon as the patent is filed, electricity will be the cost of water.
Not to pick a fight or anything, but i think its a bit naive to think that the crisis has been 'solved'. These kinds of breakthroughs have come and gone in the past. Ethanol was preached as a 'crisis eliminator' as well, but that market is very small and they are running into many foreseen and unforeseen problems that's keeping its wheels spinning and not really taking off on a large scale.
Not to pick a fight or anything, but i think its a bit naive to think that the crisis has been 'solved'. These kinds of breakthroughs have come and gone in the past. Ethanol was preached as a 'crisis eliminator' as well, but that market is very small and they are running into many foreseen and unforeseen problems that's keeping its wheels spinning and not really taking off on a large scale.

true but its also a bit nieve to think that oil will run out before it becomes obsolete
Did the Slaves get *compensation* after the emancimapation? I don't know that answer, but if they did, than why the hell not marijuana victims? Surely, no marijuana law victim got whipped or lynched or lived in squaller... but sure enough, the fat balding old men that enacted these unjust laws about a plant like cannabis did IN FACT damage the lives of millions. The Marijuana laws of the USA displaced families, cut down financial success, cut down career success, cut down trust, trampled on privacy. How many business people made a stupid move and got busted, or maybe got ratted out, about marijuana, from a joint, to an 1/8th, to a QP, from local, state, to federal... how many lives are disturbed by the war-mongering anti marijuana federal government just about a plant that could be more noble than the smelly brown tobacco plant? I say the government should wipe our records clean when they do legalize it federally, in 2012 or 2020 or whatever, and give us 1 year supply of G13, some in prerolled ciggs, some in cannabis glycerine form, some in space oil form, and some in blond hash form. Amen, oh and maybe a government volcano vaporizer to go with that.
Once the money grubbing scumbags we call out Government cant rape us for anymore money on Wood and fosil fuels they will see the money being generated my MMJ and they will ofcourse ass rapes for that too.

Its sad the richest people in the Country will always find a way to get richer while keeping poor poor. The state this Country is in today in the closest its been to pre 1776. I wounder if the Boston Tea Party would be an act of terorisim today?????
Actually, considering what I've seen, I think it is naive to think oil can be replaced with anything other than solar or nuclear energy sources. The problem is the enormous cost of building enough new generating facilities to keep fuel prices low enough for Joe Sixpack to afford to get to work.

Gasoline has nearly doubled in the last year. I've heard predictions of $7 gas by summer's end.

If anyone is counting on Ethanol, forget it. The cost/benefit ratio is a loser.

Anyone who is optimistic about the future hasn't done their homework.

A suggestion:

Learn to garden, plant fruit trees, and save your seeds.
have all of you guys seen a hemp farm for real? i used to picture a bunch of moderately tall weed plants, but no - the stalks of the industrial hemp plants are the size of a football and they grow upwards of 30 feet! it is so much biomass and fiber that i cannot believe anyone would try to use corn or cut down trees for something that clearly can produce more resources in the same space/time..

and did you know that henry ford did not only build the first cars entirely out of hemp, but he intended them to all run on hemp oil as well??

it was when hemp was poised to completely replace Hearst's timber and oil monopoly that cannabis became illegal.. this is fact..
have all of you guys seen a hemp farm for real? i used to picture a bunch of moderately tall weed plants, but no - the stalks of the industrial hemp plants are the size of a football and they grow upwards of 30 feet! it is so much biomass and fiber that i cannot believe anyone would try to use corn or cut down trees for something that clearly can produce more resources in the same space/time..

and did you know that henry ford did not only build the first cars entirely out of hemp, but he intended them to all run on hemp oil as well??

it was when hemp was poised to completely replace Hearst's timber and oil monopoly that cannabis became illegal.. this is fact..

Historical fact!

The big problem with growing any crop for ethanol is that it takes food producing acreage to grow it.

"Extra" food no longer exists on this planet. A glut of food in one place(the USA, for instance) only means that more people are starving, elsewhere.

Field hemp has its place, but not where high end food crops can be grown.

AND PLEASE, no field hemp in California!
Optomistic, I really hope your right, but i still fear I won't live to see the day it's legal, it's a harmless plant, but it makes us passivists, and the right wing people at the top know and don't want that, because they'll lose if we have a country of passivists, but it would be for the best.
The day leglization happens, is the day when the poor get fed, the insane get let out of the institutions, gas is 49 cents a gallon, aliens make contact with Earth, bigfoot wanders out of the forest and into a diner, Jimmy Hoffa's remains are discovered next to Amelia Earhart's, Elvis comes out of hiding and Oliver Stone tells us that he shot JFK.
The day leglization happens, is the day when the poor get fed, the insane get let out of the institutions, gas is 49 cents a gallon, aliens make contact with Earth, bigfoot wanders out of the forest and into a diner, Jimmy Hoffa's remains are discovered next to Amelia Earhart's, Elvis comes out of hiding and Oliver Stone tells us that he shot JFK.

All those things happened last week, according to Fox News...

Legalization might happen, but only when it becomes THE issue during a campaign year.

It had a chance in late August of 2001 when the FBI murdered the owners of Rainbow Farm in Michigan.

Then 9/11 happened, and everything went to shit.
there are alot of great points brought up here but the people proposing a socialist society are forgetting one thing, socialism will always fail because of one thing....human nature.most people are lazy bastards and will have no desire to work any harder than they have to, what insintive would they have? socialism removes the desire to excell. A real republic is the only form of gov. where all poeple start out with the same opportunity. NOTE: I didnt bring up democracy, but it not much better than socialism!
In Canada pretty much the entire thinking of the government is socialist, be they no damn good NDPers or the Tories. The Libs and the Bloc, well they've been so far up everyone's asses to give a damn about anything but the status quo. No matter if legalization happens or not, there are those of us that will always continue along with our own status quo, that being, growing, smoking, toking and enjoying life to the fullest before the final orgasm takes us to that heady place in the clouds. I don't fear the law, fuck them. The law divides.

And democracy does have its merits, but also its downfalls. (sigh) when the apes finally do take over, then we'll all be happy and content.
i am not sure exactly how this socialism vs capitalism thing relates to legalizing pot..
i have been reading at norml that the US is looking at pot rescheduling at a federal level right now.. it is just clinically insane to make the statement that pot has no established medical use anymore - especially knowing about the handful of federal marijuana patients who depend on a constant supply of pot to stay alive day to day..
also, i reiterate that the Mexican drug war is a vicious and disgusting actualization of prohibitionist misgoverning - you can't tell me that with a soft policy (think Amsterdam, Portugal) that we would still have body parts chainsawed and flung in the streets hour to hour - and again, we now know that these same cartels, which in my mind pose a direct threat to the safety of our own citizens, make a huge portion of their operating money by selling specifically marijuana to the united states for black market price.. take away the prohibition and remove the black market value for the sake of human lives! am i right?
i am just saying that the need to change the laws is an urgent thing - why can't we agree in california after all this time? i wanted prop 19 to pass, not because i thought it was perfect, but because it was a good step toward everyone agreeing and finally understanding about marijuana.. then we could make it a formally acceptable thing.. the next time i have a chance to vote for legalization in any form i am voting yes..