Legalize all Drugs Not because I use some of them

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Today, we went to the Emergency room, my girlfriend and I that is. We spent over 4 hours in an emergency room and finally left. She had hurt her leg on the job in a walk in cooler. The job sent her to 3 different places. 2 said; "We do not accept workmen's comp". After burning 60 cell phone minutes, she was told to go to an Emergency room. That is where we spent over 3 1/2 hours, waiting to see a DR for a prescription, for what was apparent, that she needed a pain Killer and or a Muscle relaxer.
The admin of the hopspital keep moving her to the back of the list as people come in Ambulances and Fire trucks. We live in an area that has over 350,000 people that surround a few hospitals. Since half are so old they are incoherent and the other half need a translator. We waited.
I asked the nurse how many hours is usual to wait to see a DR, The answer " I dunno, it varies"

In other countries, it used to be, you can go into a Pharmacy and buy what you need; or what will comfort you. In the SHIT USA it is nothing but a cluster fuck of broken English worthless Blind Mo-Fo's leading each other around, till it is time to go on break.

I have a Dr, who's roots are from another country. I call him (his Nurse) and BINGO, he phones my old script into the pharmacy and now she is in bed sleeping and hopefully resting on her one day off a week. So she can go back to work to earn a paycheck and ship over 25% off to these worthless lawmakers in the form of taxes.
If ALL DRUGS were legal and passed out at a Pharmacy like Liquor, this rant would have never taken place. Ron Paul 2012!


Well-Known Member
No, but alot more overdose funerals would of taken place. This actually points out the flaws in our healthcare system though. but obamacare is socialism and improving the system coulfd "stifle" job creation. I hope your g/f feels better though. its a shame to see another person suffer because of our healthcare system.


Well-Known Member
Put a warning label on it, and if they overdose, well fuck them for being stupid. If they get high and hurt someone, well then fuck them and make them responsible for what they did.

Freedom isn't free, it costs to obtain, and it costs to maintain. Innocents are caught in the mix no doubt, but the blowback from a free society is much less than that of a control society.


Well-Known Member
i agree fuck doctors! im sick and went to the doctor. looking for a script to help my caugh and aid my sleep. told them i cant sleep because of caughin all night and the lousy bitch tell me to take nyquil. and mucinex two over the counter fucking medicines.. never going to the doctor again.

from now on theres nothing weed or a little opium cant fix. growing my own meds


Well-Known Member
No, but alot more overdose funerals would of taken place. This actually points out the flaws in our healthcare system though. but obamacare is socialism and improving the system coulfd "stifle" job creation. I hope your g/f feels better though. its a shame to see another person suffer because of our healthcare system.

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