Legalize Marijuana


Active Member
(to jimmyrecard)ok sorry but u dont have to be an asshole about it
Yeah I think I sort of do. If you are going to post and possibly continue to post any thread you want in the first section of the forum you see then you can only learn from a mistake with a consequence. I see you are new so welcome and the key thing to remember when you have a question for here is to search the forums and once you think you can't see what you are looking for search again.


Active Member
Bricktop, there isn't a single thing you said that is untrue or that I can really disagree with. I guess I just have faith. Do you think the Dispensaries would be any better off with Rick (The Racist) Perry or Mitt (The Flip Flopper) Romney ? Obama is the lesser of two evils and the Democratic party as a "Whole" is more pot friendly. The main reason are economy hasn't rebounded is because Obama fucked up and extended the "Bush" Tax cuts. Taxes on the rich are lower right now them they have been in my life time, and I am 30 years old. The Republicans keep the Defense budget fat while cutting education, health care, and welfare benefits. All while making sure people like Mike "The Situation" and Snooki pay less taxes because they are "job creating" millionaires !!!


Active Member
We're in a depression worse than the "great depression" and you think the most pressing issue is legalizing marijuana???? Dude, in case you haven't noticed it, your neighbors are losing their homes; they have no jobs and all their savings have been stolen by the DUMBOCRAPS. These bastards are fucking evil. Yeah, the republicans are evil too but at least they were sinking the ship much slower than the demos. Obama is a totally incompetent, anti-American piece of dog shit. Fuck the law; I've got pot; I'm smoking pot and I'm growing pot. I'm not worried about the damn legalities. They are not going to legalize it, I don't care who is in office or what promises they make. It's a bargaining chip; that's all. Maybe sometime in the next 50 years it might be legalized, but for now the government has made a deal with the devil and can't find a way out of it and save face. I want to see Americans at work again, putting money in the (piggy) bank (or in the mattress). We need to elect someone with experience, integrity and leadership qualities, not some god damned power hungry dipshit like romney and not some lame dickhead like Paul that don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected.
If you think it's the Democrats fault the economy is in the crapper you need to do some homework. That would be like me giving you a dank plant that has brown leaves, is infested with spider mites, hasn't been watered in a month and then blaming you when it dies. Obama hasn't done things like he should have, but his biggest downfall has been extending Republican policies (Like the Bush Tax Cuts). The Republicans are ruining the middle class and unless you are a millionaire there is no reason for you to defend them or vote for them.