We're in a depression worse than the "great depression" and you think the most pressing issue is legalizing marijuana???? Dude, in case you haven't noticed it, your neighbors are losing their homes; they have no jobs and all their savings have been stolen by the DUMBOCRAPS. These bastards are fucking evil. Yeah, the republicans are evil too but at least they were sinking the ship much slower than the demos. Obama is a totally incompetent, anti-American piece of dog shit. Fuck the law; I've got pot; I'm smoking pot and I'm growing pot. I'm not worried about the damn legalities. They are not going to legalize it, I don't care who is in office or what promises they make. It's a bargaining chip; that's all. Maybe sometime in the next 50 years it might be legalized, but for now the government has made a deal with the devil and can't find a way out of it and save face. I want to see Americans at work again, putting money in the (piggy) bank (or in the mattress). We need to elect someone with experience, integrity and leadership qualities, not some god damned power hungry dipshit like romney and not some lame dickhead like Paul that don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected.