Legalize michigan take over movement


Well-Known Member
I think folks are sick of "groups", in leadership..

The "group" Anonymous however, has taught us something about leadership.. LEAD!



Well-Known Member
I was at the capitol yesterday observing a rally, when a group of capitol building employees approached me. They all stopped, and paused as a woman placed her hand on my shoulder. She said to me:

" dont be fooled, we support you. Most all of us, support you. We may not stand beside you, but we will stand behind you, continue to lead!."


Active Member

No Leader, No Agenda, No Bias, No Control

As one, we move!
I love the enthusiasm but without leadership, or an agenda how are we to move as one. We may have one common agenda of legalization however we are an extremely diverse group. You see all the in fighting just on this forum. Without leadership who will take the initiative to draft legislation, market our cause, organize a campaign, or see any legislation properly implemented then regulated. Unless we drop out of the system we must change it from within meaning we need lawyers, politicians, people in the streets educating and a boat load of money.


Well-Known Member
If I answer your questions, you are not leading.

Example: I will forward "breaking the taboo" to everyone I can. Its simple, effective, and has impact.

I asked an employee of office max, if there was any way I could have a stack of paper donated to me to help a cause. (little explination was needed). I was handed two stacks. I went home, printed off as much info as I could, and left it out for people to pick up at various locations that I knew would not mind. I saw it in the hands of over 50 people.. I know it moved someone.

Impact anyone and everyone.

It does not take a leader to be one.