Well-Known Member
Lets get to work. Whatever it takes. Please join in. ITS TIME!
Like how they're trying to take away the right to grow in either Washington or Colorado (legal states) the thought being its a necessity in order to funnel all the money to the state.I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on all out legalization vs decriminalization woodsman.
Am I being paranoid to think that there might be some unintended negative consequences from legalization?
Now we just have wage slavery and unfortunately racism is alive and well.Think of the hills climbed to end slavery in our country...there was not as much money involved as the drug war, nor as much acceptance. It will be ugly. It will end however, just.
None of what you see now has sustainability. Not the freedom of legalization in co and wa, nor the controls. Expect each battle, expect another. Until those who call you enemy of war, can no longer, expect resistance.Like how they're trying to take away the right to grow in either Washington or Colorado (legal
states) the thought being its a necessity in order to funnel all the money to the state.
I guess what I'm getting at is that if marijuana were completely legalized, money/profit would trump all else. I can envision a scenario where corporate interests (already in bed with our politicians) would monopolize the market and make it illegal for you and I to grow our own herb. Similar to alcohol. Where there's money to be made you can bet that big business and government will be hoarding the trough.Medical marijuana in michigan will not end the drug war. Nor will legalization. But both will be important steps as each before it and there after. Legalization is a next step. Lets take it.
Take away the financial incentive for the police, they will find something more important to do.The value of marijuana is at its highest, illegal. Its value in the drug war fuels the war. Its the most inner revenue generating concept ever conspired. Cannabis has always been the most beneficial plant known to man. That plant is controled by one government that rules the globe. Genius.
Hmmm. I'm not sure I'm following your analogy.The value in cannabis is established by a global drug war waged by the most powerful government in the world. Without war on schedule 1 drugs, the dominance by corporate interests is impossible. Cannabis grows on every continent except Antarctica. The value is in its control, drug war, schedule 1, illegal control.
Some of the statements regarding the "potential" ills of legalization sound to me like a slave saying "well ifs I was free den I'd have to takes cares of myself and wells we know us niggas can't do that we aints gots tha brain as da white man..." the education alone, that freedom would bring, would set your worrys far aside.
Incase I didn't directly answer your request adequatly. I believe decriminalization would be missing the mark and would only serve as a stepping stone that lead to the path of the true problem. The drug war. Illegalization. I favor ending the drug war. Legalization. Step by step, or however the waves carry us. The further I can step over the pile, I will. Lessens my chances of getting messy. I believe legalization in Michigan is the next step.
I hope you're right, but we can't even grow corn, soy, etc without being bent over by Monsanto who have managed to patent our food that we eat. What would make me think that a much more profitable crop like marijuana would be treated any differently? The more beneficial that it is, the more money they stand to make by monopolizing it.Maybe I am the one who doesn't understand but how I see it pal, its not compairable to anything you may be. Alchohol for instance. I don't believe people will stand for the same controls when they discover by the masses, that cannabis heals, incourages health, is a healthy diet, and was controled by repression. I suspect once legal, no one will tell you you can't fill your back forty with hemp or sativa or indica or poly hybrids of any kind. I will however suspect they will be trying to buy it from you if your a good farmer. Your only controled by knowledge or the lack there of.