'legalize' 'tax and regulate' or human rights first?


Well-Known Member
Before a knee jerk vote in this poll, please consider reading up on the issue because its simply not as its being presented by the publicized parties.
Here is an article (sorry its so long) that might help some see a different perspective on this issue:
Here is an excerpt:

"all those who are pro 'legalization' or anti 'legalization' are simply serving as necessary theater for that which is most likely to come about in the near future on the federal level in regards to the cannabis plant etc.
Gov and their corps masters are not likely to admit to 70+ years of deceiving everyone on the subject by suddenly 'legalizing' and taxing after all these years of war on people and plants and instigating world treaties which require other countries to do the same.
Instead the more likely and best case scenario for our corpsgov is to keep all naturally occurring varieties of cannabis just as they are = schedule 1 and illegal while allowing for genetically engineered patented varieties from Monsanto et al to be approved by the FDA and with new fed laws hand in hand that will require states who choose to use 'cannabis' for any purposes to use gov approved varieties that will be certified etc.
Imagine being a biotech company like Monsanto who's business model with crops is to monoculture and monopolize and the notion of your patented varieties being the only legal varieties has just been a dream to work towards until the cannabis opportunity."

"To say 'legalize' and tax and think that your thinking on this subject is thorough or sufficient is a drastic miscalculation and flawed evaluation of the moment we face in this issue and others that are directly relative."

It is our (or at least my) natural right to posses and plant/cultivate seeds, why in the world would I or you ever settle for anything less than that?
The 'pro legalization' orgs have not only intentionally not done the needed work in court to settle this issue as it should be but they have tried to discourage anybody else from doing the same.
Its time to do for ourselves in every way possible including flooding the federal district courts with 9th amendment civil cases for example demanding that gov recognize the natural rights of humans to posses and plant seeds to serve our needs and that gov has no constitutional authority to outlaw such.
These to simple arguments are what any honest effort to fight these illegitimate laws would be putting forward as the main artillery, yet instead all we hear from the orgs 'leading' the 'fight' is to 'tax and regulate' etc...if you fall for that then you prolly deserve what you get imo.
Taxing and regulating should only come after your/our natural human rights are reaffirmed and respected and only then should we be discussing taxing commerce, not home manufacture for personal uses imo.
Whatever happens on the federal level, its going to be within a year imo due to the wa,co stand off so it might be wise to get your opinions ready for action in any case.
another legalize cannabis thread. come on get over it. as for human rights. a long as man wants cheap anything humans will be exploited for their man/women power. in any case what does human rights mean? you'll have tons of people bitching. well at least they get paid or at least theirs work in the shit economy.
another legalize cannabis thread. come on get over it. as for human rights. a long as man wants cheap anything humans will be exploited for their man/women power. in any case what does human rights mean? you'll have tons of people bitching. well at least they get paid or at least theirs work in the shit economy.

Not just "another legalize cannabis" thread at all, and had you read it (including the link) you would maybe realize that instead of parroting exactly what your masters would have you saykiss-ass...I would say that more than the corps gov et al its mind sets like yours that we all need to "get over" and realize we are at war for our lives.
This ain't about cannabis'
Not just "another legalize cannabis" thread at all, and had you read it (including the link) you would maybe realize that instead of parroting exactly what your masters would have you saykiss-ass...I would say that more than the corps gov et al its mind sets like yours that we all need to "get over" and realize we are at war for our lives.
This ain't about cannabis'
No this certainly isn's about cannabis with you. It's more like some Kind of New John Birch Society rantings.

Bet you supported Ron Paul didnt you?
No this certainly isn's about cannabis with you. It's more like some Kind of New John Birch Society rantings.

Bet you supported Ron Paul didnt you?

lol...not at all, but I bet you still think you can vote your way out of what ever messes you think we are all in...
It's not a real choice this thread title.

Human rights are different concept according to where you happen to live. There are no universally recognized human rights.

It is just too simple, this wishing. And for DNA here, he has a head of steam, has made some progress for us, in California.

That's one way to look at it. And he may think he is one of the proximate cause for Monsanto's stated interest. Maybe he is.

That's the other way to look at it. But, I can assure you that Monsanto has been after this patent since XJ-13.

They have been waiting for DNA and others to fight this in the States, (without their help, of course) Then when the gate is pried open and the Feds don't really seem to care. ...

Now Monsanto is ready, been ready, stays ready. So, we create a govt to protect "human rights" as we see them. But, how does a govt do that?

Tax and regulate. Grant patents to protect commerce. Change laws.

So, to me Monsanto's and the Industry lobby have a much better chance now at the Federal level to push for legalization. The consumer tax and the Corporate tax on Monsanto with be BIG.

Not good or bad, it's not the deal with devil. It is exactly like alcohol prohibition. During that time the big guys around the world were pushing contraband into the US and at the same time using those profits to plan the big breakout of their industry when the stupid law failed.

Really this is the way is goes. If you can't work the system the system will work you into dust. They (Industry) wants these fights. It is exciting for the Board, the Lobbyists, the Lawyers. But,
it's the price we have to pay, each and every day for our own USA human rights.
It's not a real choice this thread title.

Human rights are different concept according to where you happen to live. There are no universally recognized human rights.

It is just too simple, this wishing. And for DNA here, he has a head of steam, has made some progress for us, in California.

That's one way to look at it. And he may think he is one of the proximate cause for Monsanto's stated interest. Maybe he is.

That's the other way to look at it. But, I can assure you that Monsanto has been after this patent since XJ-13.

They have been waiting for DNA and others to fight this in the States, (without their help, of course) Then when the gate is pried open and the Feds don't really seem to care. ...

Now Monsanto is ready, been ready, stays ready. So, we create a govt to protect "human rights" as we see them. But, how does a govt do that?

Tax and regulate. Grant patents to protect commerce. Change laws.

So, to me Monsanto's and the Industry lobby have a much better chance now at the Federal level to push for legalization. The consumer tax and the Corporate tax on Monsanto with be BIG.

Not good or bad, it's not the deal with devil. It is exactly like alcohol prohibition. During that time the big guys around the world were pushing contraband into the US and at the same time using those profits to plan the big breakout of their industry when the stupid law failed.

Really this is the way is goes. If you can't work the system the system will work you into dust. They (Industry) wants these fights. It is exciting for the Board, the Lobbyists, the Lawyers. But,
it's the price we have to pay, each and every day for our own USA human rights.

Well Doer while I do respect your opinion (if I understand you correctly) I do also disagree.
For one thing for what your saying to be plausible then the current public 'debate' would be about human rights and not as it currently is framed where gov already assumes the authority to outlaw a plant...such framing skips right over any talk of inherent human rights.
Many around the world do agree on what inherent rights are but what really counts to me is what those rights are to you and each individual and do those rights balance with others needs to exercise their rights or do they impose or impede on such.

more links here
Well Doer while I do respect your opinion (if I understand you correctly) I do also disagree.
For one thing for what your saying to be plausible then the current public 'debate' would be about human rights and not as it currently is framed where gov already assumes the authority to outlaw a plant...such framing skips right over any talk of inherent human rights.
Many around the world do agree on what inherent rights are but what really counts to me is what those rights are to you and each individual and do those rights balance with others needs to exercise their rights or do they impose or impede on such.

more links here
Legalisation is gaining momentum, noone cares about this or your other initiative.

You gonna call in some other lunatic as backup who'll actually discredit you and then pop themself in the head with a .45?
Legalisation is gaining momentum, noone cares about this or your other initiative.

You gonna call in some other lunatic as backup who'll actually discredit you and then pop themself in the head with a .45?

Frank go back to ur tater eatin and flu shots...your still trying to fly with no wings...but the best of luck 2ya
Well Doer while I do respect your opinion (if I understand you correctly) I do also disagree.
For one thing for what your saying to be plausible then the current public 'debate' would be about human rights and not as it currently is framed where gov already assumes the authority to outlaw a plant...such framing skips right over any talk of inherent human rights.

Many around the world do agree on what inherent rights are but what really counts to me is what those rights are to you and each individual and do those rights balance with others needs to exercise their rights or do they impose or impede on such.

more links here

We are so close to the same page, but, I guess I just don't focus it like that. And I don't think the UN will be much help here. Human rights debates, to me are red herrings.

The Founders said, We hold these truths..... They didn't say these are the universal way that everyone sees self-evident truth. Now, they weren't the first to take the bits and pieces from the Greeks and Hindus and talk about them. But, they were the first and only to put it together, to die for.

So, first, it matters not about the ROW, rest of world, to me. And the fact that it's been a medical product for 5000+ years means nothing to the current generation. Those citizens that have nothing but manufactured fear and loathing from the 20s and the War on Drugs to go on.

Yeah, I was around in the 60s, I haunted the head shop,for the A/C, skipping Jr High. I had plenty of Free Love in college. Then things changed. The Counter Culture spawned the war on drugs. The CIA discovered the addictive money maker, crack cocaine and now we have a Drug War.

I don't think human rights is the argument to un-spin this. Protecting the rights of the white daughters in the Roaring 20s is one of the main things used to get us here.

And there still is a big problem, I think, in the motivation sap it applies to the young teens....Maybe if they had the strong sativa to smoke in tiny quantities, like I do....But, that argument is already null. TOO STRONG>!

So, as a Che-ist, I have plenty of experience in the old days, in chasing the Dream Boat until I just couldn't swim.

There is a new chance. The Racist fear about seducing white girls with the devil weed is almost gone. Those white and black girls and guys are in Congress. Millions have tried it. So what? Millions are "on it" every day. So what?

Human rights, compassion, so what? The Counter Culture is already sneering and cheering.

The big chance? Federal revenue. GIANT chance to get this back under the 9th Amendment. That's the issue.

To get that I wish Monsanto and all the big private Corporations that already pay $Bs in lobby and tax, Bon Chance! Only they can get this done.

To me, my friend, (please don't see this as a personal insult,) it seems very much like trying to piss up a rope.

And at worst, may give the counter culture screw job reminder, and mess up the entire thing. Big names that we don't like with big audiences, O'Rilley, Limbaugh, to say nothing of the big name Senators are against us.

This seems a time for some very crafty political judo to get ahead of the Dream Boat and take it before anyone is the wiser.

That seems to be happening. But, please don't blow our cover. Just US Americans, and the 9th.

No theory of Human Rights or world opinion. It might blow it. Backlash.

In My Opinion.
We are so close to the same page, but, I guess I just don't focus it like that. And I don't think the UN will be much help here. Human rights debates, to me are red herrings.

The Founders said, We hold these truths..... They didn't say these are the universal way that everyone sees self-evident truth. Now, they weren't the first to take the bits and pieces from the Greeks and Hindus and talk about them. But, they were the first and only to put it together, to die for.

So, first, it matters not about the ROW, rest of world, to me. And the fact that it's been a medical product for 5000+ years means nothing to the current generation. Those citizens that have nothing but manufactured fear and loathing from the 20s and the War on Drugs to go on.

Yeah, I was around in the 60s, I haunted the head shop,for the A/C, skipping Jr High. I had plenty of Free Love in college. Then things changed. The Counter Culture spawned the war on drugs. The CIA discovered the addictive money maker, crack cocaine and now we have a Drug War.

I don't think human rights is the argument to un-spin this. Protecting the rights of the white daughters in the Roaring 20s is one of the main things used to get us here.

And there still is a big problem, I think, in the motivation sap it applies to the young teens....Maybe if they had the strong sativa to smoke in tiny quantities, like I do....But, that argument is already null. TOO STRONG>!

So, as a Che-ist, I have plenty of experience in the old days, in chasing the Dream Boat until I just couldn't swim.

There is a new chance. The Racist fear about seducing white girls with the devil weed is almost gone. Those white and black girls and guys are in Congress. Millions have tried it. So what? Millions are "on it" every day. So what?

Human rights, compassion, so what? The Counter Culture is already sneering and cheering.

The big chance? Federal revenue. GIANT chance to get this back under the 9th Amendment. That's the issue.

To get that I wish Monsanto and all the big private Corporations that already pay $Bs in lobby and tax, Bon Chance! Only they can get this done.

To me, my friend, (please don't see this as a personal insult,) it seems very much like trying to piss up a rope.

And at worst, may give the counter culture screw job reminder, and mess up the entire thing. Big names that we don't like with big audiences, O'Rilley, Limbaugh, to say nothing of the big name Senators are against us.

This seems a time for some very crafty political judo to get ahead of the Dream Boat and take it before anyone is the wiser.

That seems to be happening. But, please don't blow our cover. Just US Americans, and the 9th.

No theory of Human Rights or world opinion. It might blow it. Backlash.

In My Opinion.

Doer I understand and respect your views, but as you might guess mine still differ especially in the blowback or "Backlash" component as I see it in basically the reverse in that I feel that the scenario you are relying on will result in betrayal of anything worth fighting for.
This issue unlike any other I can think of gives plausible reach to bring the 9th back into the 'peoples' hands rather than left to the vulnerability of its current case law interpretations etc, and imo in there are possibly solutions to many other relative issues.
Corporate rule is what we mostly have now and how can that not get more solidified if basic fundamental natural human rights are not addressed?
I'm for anything that's worth more than 'pissing up a rope' Doer, but we just seem to disagree on the definition of such in a fundamental way and that's ok with me because the real key to surfing this reality is diversity and its conversations like these that keep such a thing in the pollinating breeze.:peace:
Doer I understand and respect your views, but as you might guess mine still differ especially in the blowback or "Backlash" component as I see it in basically the reverse in that I feel that the scenario you are relying on will result in betrayal of anything worth fighting for.
This issue unlike any other I can think of gives plausible reach to bring the 9th back into the 'peoples' hands rather than left to the vulnerability of its current case law interpretations etc, and imo in there are possibly solutions to many other relative issues.
Corporate rule is what we mostly have now and how can that not get more solidified if basic fundamental natural human rights are not addressed?
I'm for anything that's worth more than 'pissing up a rope' Doer, but we just seem to disagree on the definition of such in a fundamental way and that's ok with me because the real key to surfing this reality is diversity and its conversations like these that keep such a thing in the pollinating breeze.:peace:
You still trying to sell the idea that evil Monsanto are going to have the Govt legalise only GM strains and keep heirloom varieties illegal?

You're a fucking fruit cake, wrapped in icing, bro.
Absolutely and hearing other views and being allowed to express our own is what it's all about.

If we had a Federal govt that said any State that collects tax will collect the Federal share for cannabis, would that be good?

I favor our system. I have recognized and identify with the Founders as true Che-ists. Risk the noose with a great idea.

Che really detested the progressive, soft liberal elitists. And back in the days of the SDS, we were against the Democrats.

Then I finally saw, if the system is Che-ist, Founded by Che-ists, then I'm already here. I don't have to take sides. The govt, we say, took it on themselves to ban ganja. But, that's not true, brother. That's was US, we the people. We govern ourselves like it or not, for better or worse.

So, I see that WE, now, could tax it. Everyone will be happy except the War on Drug payola scam. They have powerful friends. It is $Bs Industry in the USA and extend to the Cartels, which is $Ts.

So, Monsanto is our friend here. Not Govt. No us and them. A big, powerful Private Corporation. But, staffed and threaded thru with people like us, not in Congress. Looking to unlock the keys to cannabis for us. But, most important, this Industry, Big Pharma, Agro, Way of Life Companies have the $$$ to do it and rival then defeat the Drug War payola. That's what can happen.

Better living through chemistry. Without chemicals, life itself would be impossible.

I have thought like you about this.

Try thinking like me for a minute. This is the system we can use. And Patents expire. Lovely system.
Absolutely and hearing other views and being allowed to express our own is what it all about.

If we had a Federal govt that said any State that collects tax will collect the Federal share for cannabis, would that be good?

I favor our system. I have recognized and identify with the Founders as true Che-ists. Risk the noose with a great idea.
Che really detested the progressive, soft liberal elitists. And back in the days of the SDS, we were against the Democrats.

Then I finally saw, if the system is Che-ist, Founded by Che-ists, then I'm already here. I don't have to take sides. The govt we say, took it on themselves to ban ganja. But, that's not true, brother. That's was US, we the people. We govern ourselves like it or not, for better or worst.

So, I see that WE now could tax it. Everyone will be happy except the War on Drug payola scam. They have powerful friends. It is $Bs Industry in the USA and extend to the Cartels, which is $Ts.

So, Monsanto is our friend here. Not Govt. No us and them. A big, powerful Private Corporation. But, staffed and threaded thru with people like us, not in Congress. Looking to unlook the keys to cannabis for us. Better living through chemistry.
Without chemical, life itself is impossible.

I have thought like you about this.

Try thinking like me for a minute. This is the system we can use. And Patents expire. Lovely system.
Patents are already illegal for naturally occurring strands of DNA, trust me Doer, you're arguing against a false premise with DNAprotection.

He has a good heart but is woefully misguided, and I suspect is at least partially paranoid on a mental health level.
Patents are already illegal for naturally occurring strands of DNA, trust me Doer, you're arguing against a false premise with DNAprotection.

He has a good heart but is woefully misguided, and I suspect is at least partially paranoid on a mental health level.
I dont think you understand him. He has been that way since ADM secretly embedded a mind control device in his head to help thwart Monsanto's rise in market dominance
I dont think you understand him. He has been that way since ADM secretly embedded a mind control device in his head to help thwart Monsanto's rise in market dominance
He's rocking the tin-foil man, he's like, TOTALLY immune.

If he'd a computer in his head, Id recommend he deletes his system32 folder to make it run faster.
Or this one for UNIX.

What should I do???? (grumble, grumble. why does he have to ask me everything?)

My answer, called over the cube wall. cd / | rm -r *

I'm bad. I actually did that to someone. I knew he had a backup. It's funny, right?
Or this one for UNIX.

What should I do???? (grumble, grumble. why does he have to ask me everything?)

My answer, called over the cube wall. cd / | rm -r *

I'm bad. I actually did that to someone. I knew he had a backup. It's funny, right?

Is that the command for the UNIX to cut your balls off? cn