Well-Known Member
Before a knee jerk vote in this poll, please consider reading up on the issue because its simply not as its being presented by the publicized parties.
Here is an article (sorry its so long) that might help some see a different perspective on this issue:
Here is an excerpt:
"all those who are pro 'legalization' or anti 'legalization' are simply serving as necessary theater for that which is most likely to come about in the near future on the federal level in regards to the cannabis plant etc.
Gov and their corps masters are not likely to admit to 70+ years of deceiving everyone on the subject by suddenly 'legalizing' and taxing after all these years of war on people and plants and instigating world treaties which require other countries to do the same.
Instead the more likely and best case scenario for our corpsgov is to keep all naturally occurring varieties of cannabis just as they are = schedule 1 and illegal while allowing for genetically engineered patented varieties from Monsanto et al to be approved by the FDA and with new fed laws hand in hand that will require states who choose to use 'cannabis' for any purposes to use gov approved varieties that will be certified etc.
Imagine being a biotech company like Monsanto who's business model with crops is to monoculture and monopolize and the notion of your patented varieties being the only legal varieties has just been a dream to work towards until the cannabis opportunity."
"To say 'legalize' and tax and think that your thinking on this subject is thorough or sufficient is a drastic miscalculation and flawed evaluation of the moment we face in this issue and others that are directly relative."
It is our (or at least my) natural right to posses and plant/cultivate seeds, why in the world would I or you ever settle for anything less than that?
The 'pro legalization' orgs have not only intentionally not done the needed work in court to settle this issue as it should be but they have tried to discourage anybody else from doing the same.
Its time to do for ourselves in every way possible including flooding the federal district courts with 9th amendment civil cases for example demanding that gov recognize the natural rights of humans to posses and plant seeds to serve our needs and that gov has no constitutional authority to outlaw such.
These to simple arguments are what any honest effort to fight these illegitimate laws would be putting forward as the main artillery, yet instead all we hear from the orgs 'leading' the 'fight' is to 'tax and regulate' etc...if you fall for that then you prolly deserve what you get imo.
Taxing and regulating should only come after your/our natural human rights are reaffirmed and respected and only then should we be discussing taxing commerce, not home manufacture for personal uses imo.
Whatever happens on the federal level, its going to be within a year imo due to the wa,co stand off so it might be wise to get your opinions ready for action in any case.
Here is an article (sorry its so long) that might help some see a different perspective on this issue:
Here is an excerpt:
"all those who are pro 'legalization' or anti 'legalization' are simply serving as necessary theater for that which is most likely to come about in the near future on the federal level in regards to the cannabis plant etc.
Gov and their corps masters are not likely to admit to 70+ years of deceiving everyone on the subject by suddenly 'legalizing' and taxing after all these years of war on people and plants and instigating world treaties which require other countries to do the same.
Instead the more likely and best case scenario for our corpsgov is to keep all naturally occurring varieties of cannabis just as they are = schedule 1 and illegal while allowing for genetically engineered patented varieties from Monsanto et al to be approved by the FDA and with new fed laws hand in hand that will require states who choose to use 'cannabis' for any purposes to use gov approved varieties that will be certified etc.
Imagine being a biotech company like Monsanto who's business model with crops is to monoculture and monopolize and the notion of your patented varieties being the only legal varieties has just been a dream to work towards until the cannabis opportunity."
"To say 'legalize' and tax and think that your thinking on this subject is thorough or sufficient is a drastic miscalculation and flawed evaluation of the moment we face in this issue and others that are directly relative."
It is our (or at least my) natural right to posses and plant/cultivate seeds, why in the world would I or you ever settle for anything less than that?
The 'pro legalization' orgs have not only intentionally not done the needed work in court to settle this issue as it should be but they have tried to discourage anybody else from doing the same.
Its time to do for ourselves in every way possible including flooding the federal district courts with 9th amendment civil cases for example demanding that gov recognize the natural rights of humans to posses and plant seeds to serve our needs and that gov has no constitutional authority to outlaw such.
These to simple arguments are what any honest effort to fight these illegitimate laws would be putting forward as the main artillery, yet instead all we hear from the orgs 'leading' the 'fight' is to 'tax and regulate' etc...if you fall for that then you prolly deserve what you get imo.
Taxing and regulating should only come after your/our natural human rights are reaffirmed and respected and only then should we be discussing taxing commerce, not home manufacture for personal uses imo.
Whatever happens on the federal level, its going to be within a year imo due to the wa,co stand off so it might be wise to get your opinions ready for action in any case.