Well-Known Member
Absolutely and hearing other views and being allowed to express our own is what it's all about.
If we had a Federal govt that said any State that collects tax will collect the Federal share for cannabis, would that be good?
I favor our system. I have recognized and identify with the Founders as true Che-ists. Risk the noose with a great idea.
Che really detested the progressive, soft liberal elitists. And back in the days of the SDS, we were against the Democrats.
Then I finally saw, if the system is Che-ist, Founded by Che-ists, then I'm already here. I don't have to take sides. The govt, we say, took it on themselves to ban ganja. But, that's not true, brother. That's was US, we the people. We govern ourselves like it or not, for better or worse.
So, I see that WE, now, could tax it. Everyone will be happy except the War on Drug payola scam. They have powerful friends. It is $Bs Industry in the USA and extend to the Cartels, which is $Ts.
So, Monsanto is our friend here. Not Govt. No us and them. A big, powerful Private Corporation. But, staffed and threaded thru with people like us, not in Congress. Looking to unlock the keys to cannabis for us. But, most important, this Industry, Big Pharma, Agro, Way of Life Companies have the $$$ to do it and rival then defeat the Drug War payola. That's what can happen.
Better living through chemistry. Without chemicals, life itself would be impossible.
I have thought like you about this.
Try thinking like me for a minute. This is the system we can use. And Patents expire. Lovely system.
No need to think your way Doer because I once worked as the go between for a corp intending to plant and use hemp and the DEA (back in the mid 90s) and it was my job to think like you...oh the things I learned...I've also been many other places in this that by your writing I'm guessing you haven't been and so such experiences have kept me on the red road rather than hitchhiking at the crossroads like I'm guessing you were at one time my friend...
I'm the unaffiliated chap...
Doer I appreciate your honesty in this and your other responses and I ask that people take note because such honesty you will not see from mpp or dpa or norml etc..."Monsanto is our friend here", George Soros (Monsanto stakeholder) would agree and of the record so would Ethan Nadleman (dpa) Georges lil boy wonder.
So as short as this thread is it has fully already done its job...
The choice is has been made crystal clear for you here:
If you support 'legalization' then you are supporting Doer's thinking (which still doesn't give you the whole picture but does reveal enough to give you a good enough pic of that corporate road).
If you support securing reality first = your inherent natural human rights, then supporting 'legalization' is definitely not in your best interest.
Thanks again to Doer and all the others who did my work for me on this thread...this is the definitive thread on 'legalization', read carefully