Legislator Tries To Legalize Marijuana


Well-Known Member
You go misshestermoffitt girlfriend. You are right on the money on what this thread is trying to do, with OR WITHOUT any complainer's help. Thanks for helping bring this to fruition....here, these are for you:joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint:

Here's a little trivia for you young lady. What is the symbolism of the number of joints I just gave you?...lol, good luck. Time for a little levity & fun.


New Member
13 has a lot of meanings. Every culture has some kind of meaning for 13. It is to broad of a question, but if I had to venture a guess I would say Unity.


Well-Known Member
13 has a lot of meanings. Every culture has some kind of meaning for 13. It is to broad of a question, but if I had to venture a guess I would say Unity.
True true that there are different meanings in different cultures. But in our little marijuana culture, the 13th letter of the alphabet is "M", and of course is the first letter of our beloved product of growing which this site helps us cultivate bigger and better. I first heard of it myself back in the 60's (I know, I'm showing my age again...lol), the "13" on a Hell's Angel's patch or tatoo refers to the thirteenth letter of the alphabet, M, for "marijuana". A code word if you will, so the "authorities" didn't know what was being talked about. And a derivative of that is calling a joint a "number", "Hey man, wanna smoke a number?" Which again, refers to "13" and marijuana. Anyway, just a little trivia to lighten up the heavy posts.


Well-Known Member
This will never be approved. There is too much invested in the idea that it shouldnt.

It sucks but its true.

Some states give up on the medicinal stuff but its more a ploy to collect some taxes from the "clubs" and to stiffle all the illegal stuff. They figure that if they cant control it, they will make it a tiny bit less problematic.

If youre a medicinal patient, they can basicaly turn a blind eye to it. But the feds will never change their mind. It will go to the supreme court and because there is some bullshit paper saying it has no merit in medical use by the majority of physicians, it will get tossed out.

The government will never allow you to have a free for all with this. They cant figure out how to control it, therebye taxing it. They cant figure out how to test for it like they can alcohol because its half life is so long. How do you bust someone for crashing their car while under its influence? You cant tell if that cat sparked that "J" 12 hours ago or 12 minutes ago. The technology isnt there minus maybe a blood test but then you have to know exactly how much concentration it would take to produce effects and I dont see that being a reality.

Then we get into the whole employer thing. This turns into a nightmare, now with them having the green light to ban smoking in general from employees, can you imagine what good it would be to make it legal and then still have employers mandating you not do it?

I hate to say it, but I just dont see it drasticaly changing in the next few years no matter what the gesture. Its going to take some serious epiphanies to get people to wake up and smell the coffee.

I wish these and any of the bills to follow all the luck in the world, they need it.


Well-Known Member
Imagine if Weed could be sold in stores but in the form of a cigarette.....

Could I have a pack of AK48 and some Ice?


Well-Known Member
Imagine if Weed could be sold in stores but in the form of a cigarette.....

Could I have a pack of AK48 and some Ice?
the only reason you can buy cigarettes is because there is a shit ton of money behind that industry and they tax the hell out of it. What does a pack of smokes go for these days, 5-8 bucks?

They tax the hell out of tobacco


Active Member
I am following this topic real close. I live in Mass (props to Barney Frank and Ron Paul). What I do not understand is that people have spoken, WE want marijuana decriminalized. Polls were taken and it was pretty lop sided in our favor and yet the White House and the current Drug Czar says they will not let it fly! Sounds like Dictatorship to me!


Well-Known Member
you should take some political science classes.

The reason it wont happen is because we are somehow have allowed this country to be run by capitalism instead of democracy.

In all actuality, we arent even a democracy, we are a republic who strives for democracy. Meaning that we supposedly elect people to make decisions for us based on whats right for us, or ahem..........what we want.

In reality, what we want is not on the agenda. Its more about money, and pandering for power. The group of MJ smokers is not enough of a segment of the population,it very well could be if they outed themselves all at once but many fear reprocussions.

This is a no brainer, we have a few congressmen and or other political figures who know its bullshit and are willing to make a smart decision. We have some others who are pandering for some political steam, you know orginizations like NORML donate money to these politicians and lobby others.

Anyways, I wouldnt hold your breath, we will need the majority of the states to adopt a medicinal law that starts to go smoothly and then and only then will it possibly be voted in federaly. I seriously wouldnt expect it to go further than that. There is too much money involved for the gov when it comes to budgets to not have a war on it.

Remember, dont spend it all, dont get it all. They arent working to spend less, they are working to spend more.