legit Benzo questions....

Xanax is a short acting but powerful. For most it has a tendency to cause alcohol like physical disorientation more so than other benzos.

Kolonopin is a fairly strong long acting benzo I think with a half life of 8-12 hours. If she regularly suffers from panic attacks (multiple attacks in a day) this would probably be best to use as they usually only need to be taken once a day.

Ativan is fast acting and short lasting. If i'm not mistaken it is designed to be able to be taken sublingually. It is considered to be the weakest of the 3 benzos you've posted and the least recreational.

Valium is famous because they are the second benzodiazpine to be marketed and were mass distributed in the 60's to house wives, though is no more or less dangerous than any other benzo. It is considered weak potency wise and moderate acting. It is thought to be a little stronger than Ativan and sometimes Kolonopin in recreational desired side effects such as physical disorientation and euphoria but not as much as Xanax, though it is completely subjective and benzo preference varies person to person for "postive" recreational effects.
Oh and i saw you were worried about the doses chico, to me, 10 mg of valium is like 1 mg of xanax
Bro, I found a LEGIT site that sells them for around 60 for 100 of them!!!! All the vendors buy from them.. I will PM when I can, for some reason my computer won't let me delete messages!
I've been on 0.5mg klonopin for a while now for anxiety and panic attacks. They tried Buspirone for a long term treatment but it's not working. 1 K a day keeps everything away for me. On bad days I may take 2. I don't have any particular disorder, just had a panic attack out of nowhere one day and had GAD general anxiety disorder ever since.
Bro, I found a LEGIT site that sells them for around 60 for 100 of them!!!! All the vendors buy from them.. I will PM when I can, for some reason my computer won't let me delete messages!
K just message when you can :P make sure you got some room too though so i can message you back

And back on topic: Anyof those 3 benzos you posted will work, but like the doctor said, try em out, see which one suits her the best, but like others said, if you take enough of ANY benzo it WILL zombify you lol
I just got put on 1mg of Klonos as a trial for my anxiety. I go back in next week to discuss the effectiveness. I feel they do wonders for the physical symptoms of my anxiety, but I have far more problems than that to deal with. Every little bit helps I guess.
I just got put on 1mg of Klonos as a trial for my anxiety. I go back in next week to discuss the effectiveness. I feel they do wonders for the physical symptoms of my anxiety, but I have far more problems than that to deal with. Every little bit helps I guess.

Totally get you there. My anxiety made my left arm numb and weak. Couldn't use my pinky finger even.. not even an issue on Clonzepam. Doesn't make me loopy either. Half life of 19 hours means one a day is really all you need.
Wow man, I hope you get what you need sorted out. Having a loved with anxiety attacks one can be more stressful for the ones around than the one affected.
, though it is completely subjective and benzo preference varies person to person for "postive" recreational effects.

Perfectly said.

Valium is my personal choice, the muscle relaxant properties add to the whole body feeling of it, especially with weed, alcohol, some temazepam and brownies mixed in lol, definitely the most recreational IMO.

But xanax is probably best for your wife's situation seen as though klonopin didnt work for her in the past :peace:
Perfectly said.

Valium is my personal choice, the muscle relaxant properties add to the whole body feeling of it, especially with weed, alcohol, some temazepam and brownies mixed in lol, definitely the most recreational IMO.

But xanax is probably best for your wife's situation seen as though klonopin didnt work for her in the past :peace:
Valium turns into temazepam.
what are the doses ur doc gave her? if .5 isn't doing the trick i would take 2, they also have time released xanax so you might ask your doc to look into that. Valium and ativan never did much for me unless i took a lot. If you already tried the xanax try the K nxt