

Well-Known Member
i was jst wandering some places give you limited information and leave you in the cold about your package, and then you never see it. thats all...


Active Member
i registered here a few minutes ago just to respond to this thread, haha
but i recently got some stuff off that site and i'm definitely going to return again unless they decide to jack their prices for some reason

if you have any questions about their stuff, feel free to ask me and i'll help you out the best that i can from what i know and got from them


Well-Known Member
i registered here a few minutes ago just to respond to this thread, haha
but i recently got some stuff off that site and i'm definitely going to return again unless they decide to jack their prices for some reason

if you have any questions about their stuff, feel free to ask me and i'll help you out the best that i can from what i know and got from them
well, im just wandering how long its supposed to take these guys, i ordered last monday10/6 and the cust service dude from online said it'd be here by last friday10/17, its not here, i cant find my package through the postal service(they never gave me a tracking code) which isnt too unusual cause i work in a catalog company and we dont have usps tracking codes only our oder numbers, nor can i get into contact with any of the customer service people to ask where my package is, they're always offline(my paranoia is setting in as if they made it so my particular i.p. couldnt access the c/s cause its a scam), how long do you honestly think it'll take to get here?
ive been billed and everything, and i didnt recieve an order confirmation e-mail either...
its jsut a bit fishy, how long?



Well-Known Member
the 2.25" 5-piece sharpstonex1 like 26.99 i believe
and two of the standard o-ring sized glass slides x2 and 1.99/ea

still, NOTHING. and they are never online for cust service anymore.


Well-Known Member
i jsut recieved an email from the usps and BG saying my shit is coming and the BG guys sent me a free gift i guess because of the delay i guess ill keep posted incase anyone is interested in ordering form them. if im satisfied you'll know :]