Lemon Clones


Well-Known Member
Hey hows everybody doing? I have some Lemon Skunk moms and I am currently making more clones. I was reading up on different cloning techniques
lighting and so forth. I need advise from an experienced grower. I give them 24hr light in humidity dome till i see some decent roots coming out of the pucks. Is there a quicker way to root? Looking forward to what you guys have to say :weed:


Well-Known Member
Where could I find said ez cloner. Gardening stores? And how much would I expect to pay? It takes about 12 - 14 days until i transfer into pots.. already so its possible to do that in a week? :shock:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
You can pick them up at indoor grow shops. The one here has an 8 sight for under $100 and a 48 sight for under $400. I don't know how quick you can pot them. When I was talking to the salesman he told me that I could take a clone root it til i have a good root system and then put them immediatly into the hodro set up thus cutting out the need for the roots to set up in either rock wool or soil. This will cut out almost a month of veg time while your plants get used to their new home....


Well-Known Member
You can pick them up at indoor grow shops. The one here has an 8 sight for under $100 and a 48 sight for under $400. I don't know how quick you can pot them. When I was talking to the salesman he told me that I could take a clone root it til i have a good root system and then put them immediatly into the hodro set up thus cutting out the need for the roots to set up in either rock wool or soil. This will cut out almost a month of veg time while your plants get used to their new home....

sounds pretty sick. Definitely going to check it out. The strain I am using takes a while anyways so the cut down on veg time looks promising. The Cabinet I use has a hydro set as well. With 2 600w hps air cooled. But the last time I used hydroponic the roots went TOO nuts. And started to clog the pumps and made gurgling noises.. not so good as I have neighbours that are fairly close. So, I switched back to just organic dirt mixture :weed: no chems till bud and its been working fantastic. If I decide to go back to hydro I will definitely pick one of these up ! Thanks :joint:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
No problem. My winter garden has just been set up. It's in my sig if you want to check it out. I'm doing soil as well until I can save up the $650 for th hydro setup.. Good luck, Do you have a journal on here?


Well-Known Member
Yeah ill check your journal out. No I don't, I just joined not too long ago. But I will take pics of my current grow... and when they finish budding, i will make a journal. :D:D:D


Well-Known Member
Yeah ill check your journal out. No I don't, I just joined not too long ago. But I will take pics of my current grow... and when they finish budding, i will make a journal. :D:D:D
dude do you have any pics of yours i put mine in flower after 5 weeks of growth and they just started stretching the fuck out they use to be short really stalkey girls and now its like stretch city


Well-Known Member
I will have pictures when I am done flowering. They are 25 Days into flowering and looking more awesome every fucking day !

The seeds were from jordan of the islands seed co. My buddy gave me one clone. Turned her into a mom, cloned the fuck out of her made 3 more moms. And like 30 clones. :) Now the original mom clone is under two 600w with ten other plants :) The mom is at 15 days flowering.

They tend to get taller, but they will start to slow down and pack on some weight. How many days into flower are you?
They look and smell great !