Lemon ku$h :D


Active Member
I know your itching to see them female naughty parts but it will take a little bit after 12/12 just like you have been reading i'm sure. The waiting game really sucks sometimes... I am getting intrested to try the 12/12 from seed maybe on my next grow and just do like 4-5 different strains and harves smaller amounts faster...


Active Member
lol waiting is wack lmao but im hoping both are females :D 12/12 from seed sounds like something id prolly experiment with but imma hold off untill these little bitches are done. I still have other seeds that i bought hbu?


Active Member
might pay off to get one of the higher yielding and proven auto strains if you are thinking about doing that.I think i might throw a tent in my downstairs closet and get a couple autos from herbies to try out.Just gotta find a place to throw all the shit i have in there lol!


Active Member
Alright, From a thread I got going on here and the advice from some people who know their shit. I have fed my ladies with about 2/3 strength feeding. I watered after the transplant so I hope my drainage does well. Hoping that the girls where just hungry and nothing else. I will post up some progress shots after a while.


Active Member
might pay off to get one of the higher yielding and proven auto strains if you are thinking about doing that.I think i might throw a tent in my downstairs closet and get a couple autos from herbies to try out.Just gotta find a place to throw all the shit i have in there lol!
I was thinking the same autos might be fun lol


Active Member
Alright, From a thread I got going on here and the advice from some people who know their shit. I have fed my ladies with about 2/3 strength feeding. I watered after the transplant so I hope my drainage does well. Hoping that the girls where just hungry and nothing else. I will post up some progress shots after a while.
betta do that ! Lol :D


Active Member
Well, good news, The ladies have taken well to the transplant and the feeding I gave them really helped. They seem more lush and I can see a noticeable amount of growth. Seem to be really happy with the 400w MH bulb as well. On a side not I am going to have to buy my carbon scrubber real soon as my room and hallway are getting stinky :)


Active Member
The ladies really love the TLC I have given them the past few days. They have rewarded me with some nice lush growth. They Lemon Kush grows much faster than the Cotton Candy. Here are a few picks.

Side note: been lazy on the cable management...



Active Member
Hey they still look really healthy for what your using. I would not care one bit if it looks like that :)


Active Member
lol yea the one is a big whore hoggin all the space lmao idk why the other one hasnt taken off but its ok :D learning things as we go still gotta long ways to budding so well c :bigjoint:


Active Member
Yeah man, I got no clue why your other plant is runty. Sometimes they just develop bad and never really recover. sometimes they do. That one looks hella fatty for sure. Cant wait to see how much yield you get. It will help me get an idea of what I may get from my setup. I would if you can afford it and you have your heart set on using cfl's build the same light setup I did. in total it cost me for the light fixture and y splitters around 30$ then you just need to fill it with a set of 4 bulbs which costs like 12$ It will add another 183 watts if you use 23w cfls. it really was as easy as buying a cord and matching the color of wires and then twisting them and capping it off. also you can buy a 125w cfl on amazon for 25$ if you add some more watts on them girls they will yield more, I am sure you have read that already though. Keep me posted man. bongsmilie


Active Member
Yea def. to its just how it goes :/ lol I'll be happy to pull an oz off all these plants I'll be happy to just have some of my own weed lmao :) but yea next time around I will def buy and make my Set up dope as hell. Lol I was such a noob thinking that this setup would be a really good one but hey at least they are growing lol and still a while to go to flower and budding!! Gay haven't even seen they sex yet shits annoying ! Aha but ya man ur girls look sexy not a lot of stretching mine are stretching to much that's why I'll prolly have weaker smaller buds :/ but that's fine I'm learning every day :)


Active Member
yeah man, I understand..I have a pretty decent job and understanding wife so..I got a little cash to play with on this. I realize that its not easy to just go buy what ya need. regardless of stretching you are keeping them healthy, and since you know that your limiting factor in this grow is lighting then id say you have done a great job so far, and you have learned what you need to do for your next grow. If you can manage to get some Y splitters from home depot or lowes and just add asplitter to each of your fixtures you could easily add on another 39-69 watts of lighting from 13w or 23w bulbs(you could get even larger cfl's). those splitters are only like 2.50$ I think..anywho I am rambaling again. Keep it up man, cant wait to see them ladies get fat :)



Active Member
Yea I'm gonna def get a better set up next time lol :) or just go with autos and grow one at a time since they grow pretty fast lol. Also as you heard.... :( the big huge plant turned out to be male :/ but on the other hand the other one turned out to be female :) at least I got 1! Aha I put the male outside and now this one plant has all the light focused on her should be nice :) I'll update every so often on this hoe now that I know I actually have one :P


Active Member
Yeah sorry to hear that one turned out male. I am sure your lady enjoys the more light she is getting. one of my plants is growing a bit faster than the others and I don't want it getting to tall.. I may top it some more. I want all of them to reach about 1.5' tall around the same time. I am debating this in my head a lot. I will update with some pics soon. The plants are doing really well. :)