lemon tree seedling

I was eating some Ramen noodles, I like ramen with lots of lemon and tapatio. I peeled the shell off of the seeds and put them in a paper towel
My current project is a couple of dwarf banana trees. I tried to pop some cherry seeds but they wouldn't pop. Wasted like a dozen Growdan cubes. Then planted some Mulberry seeds. Didn't pop. Ordered the nanners live. They are really nice but, I put them in nuted soil and they are struggling a bit. Thanks for the info. I have like a tree fetish or something.
My current project is a couple of dwarf banana trees. I tried to pop some cherry seeds but they wouldn't pop. Wasted like a dozen Growdan cubes. Then planted some Mulberry seeds. Didn't pop. Ordered the nanners live. They are really nice but, I put them in nuted soil and they are struggling a bit. Thanks for the info. I have like a tree fetish or something.
Im going to try cherry seeds and peaches next but that's a different post. Im also liking the fruit trees, hopefully these cherries will pop:hump:
I dont think commercial growers feed their thousands of acres of produce teas and organic food. They feed synthetic hardcore, cheap, fertilizer.
Ever wondered why so many people have digestive issues? Autoimmune diseases? Or why kids are starting to sexually mature at younger and younger ages? (I could go on and on and on for pages if you really want me to) Look at our food supply.
I'm not some vegan elitist dbag preaching about some hippie bullshit, I can go and Google a whole slew of scientific studies / articles that show the dangers to humans that synthetic nutrients pose. The world was doing just fine until we started trying (and failing) to replicate and manipulate it in a lab.
Ever wondered why so many people have digestive issues? Autoimmune diseases? Or why kids are starting to sexually mature at younger and younger ages? (I could go on and on and on for pages if you really want me to) Look at our food supply.
I'm not some vegan elitist dbag preaching about some hippie bullshit, I can go and Google a whole slew of scientific studies / articles that show the dangers to humans that synthetic nutrients pose. The world was doing just fine until we started trying (and failing) to replicate and manipulate it in a lab.
Although I agree to an extent. Also look at what we've done to our environment. Everything just gets dirtier especially in congested city environments. We all have mega chemicals-substances and whatever else in our bodies that people didn't have 200 years ago.
Ever wondered why so many people have digestive issues? Autoimmune diseases? Or why kids are starting to sexually mature at younger and younger ages? (I could go on and on and on for pages if you really want me to) Look at our food supply.
I'm not some vegan elitist dbag preaching about some hippie bullshit, I can go and Google a whole slew of scientific studies / articles that show the dangers to humans that synthetic nutrients pose. The world was doing just fine until we started trying (and failing) to replicate and manipulate it in a lab.
Oh i agree with your rant, im just saying that we eat inorganicly fertilized food all day long everyday of our lives so its not imperitive to feed your plant vegan organic feed. Like i said in my original post...just sayin. Im growing about fifty varieties of fruits vegtables and herbs this year and i plan on doing both inorganic and organic feeding on them. The only organic feeding i can do is amending the soil. Otherwise its just too expensive on my scale.
Oh i agree with your rant, im just saying that we eat inorganicly fertilized food all day long everyday of our lives so its not imperitive to feed your plant vegan organic feed. Like i said in my original post...just sayin. Im growing about fifty varieties of fruits vegtables and herbs this year and i plan on doing both inorganic and organic feeding on them. The only organic feeding i can do is amending the soil. Otherwise its just too expensive on my scale.
There's no need to do anything but amend the soil. Go read up on the notill style of farming. It's all basic stuff that requires minimal effort.
There's no need to do anything but amend the soil. Go read up on the notill style of farming. It's all basic stuff that requires minimal effort.
Ya, i know. The reason im not doing that is because my soil is total crap and for me to ammend probably 300 yards of soil it would be cheaper and faster to just dig it out with my tractor and replace it all. At twenty yards of greenouse blend (one dump truck full) for 850$ that would cost me about 10,000$ so ill keep using the free chicken, duck, turkey, cow, and horse manure that most of the plants feed anyway to keep making my soil better over time. Thats why i use synthetic fertilizer right now, because i dont have the extra 10 grand to dump new dirt on my land. 150 lbs of osmacote or jr. Peters will cost me 400 bucks and thats a number i can deal with.
Just something to consider, but the types of soil trees like is A LOT different from the kind of soil our favorite tree likes ;).

Cannabis likes a soil with a mix of 50% bacterial life and 50% fungal. Trees tend to prefer 90+% fungal life. If you compare soil from the forest to soil from a typical vegetable garden (organic) this is what you will find.
I have a little calamondin tree in my tent btw.... produces a nice amount of fruit for me despite it's size. They are pretty hardy too if you live in a climate that gets frosts regularly.
Congratulations ...but in the real world if you want fruit lemon orange, lime etc etc ...
you take a graft, like in a clone to get the maximum out of that tree
Congratulations ...but in the real world if you want fruit lemon orange, lime etc etc ...
you take a graft, like in a clone to get the maximum out of that tree
Yeah dude. Have a plum pear and some other fruit plant out back. It doesn't produce quality but it does produce. I've been neglecting it big time. Also have Apples and Peach trees. They are young too tho and not producing yet. Working on two dwarf banana trees. Gets cold here, so they will be in big pots and come in for the winter. Hell I just like trees. lol. Don't know why. o_O
Don't mind me I just read a book ...how to grow common fruit trees from nuts ...I'm still struggling ...as I had a lot of hope in 2 avocado nuts that was floating
in an old beer can on a foam raft trying to get them to germ ...60 days and still no germ root ....!@#$@@!!#$%% boo
Don't mind me I just read a book ...how to grow common fruit trees from nuts ...I'm still struggling ...as I had a lot of hope in 2 avocado nuts that was floating
in an old beer can on a foam raft trying to get them to germ ...60 days and still no germ root ....!@#$@@!!#$%% boo
Yeah I tried to start some cherry trees from seed. It didn't work out after 6 months and wasted about a dozen Growdan cubes. It's my fault, I didn't know what I was doing. The wife wanted me to order plants, like I did the banana trees which is the best idea. I told her no, they're kinda pricey. She said we will be old and senile before those lemon trees produce. LOL! But yeah, she's down with it. Had to remind her to water her poinsettia. <smh>.

Anyway, I like the grafted trees to. Considering maybe a citrus variety.
I bought some banana seeds this year. Any tips on germinating them?
Sorry bro. I actually bought small plants from.


The description of the lemon seeds says they could take 40 days to germ. Would have bought live plants but they are kinda pricey. @volstok has convinced me that i want like a 4 in 1 grafted citrus tree and they are pricey as well. So I'm saving up. Good luck.
Yeah I figure they may be tough. But I've never had issues with baker creek so im hoping I have some luck out of these 20 seeds. Soaked em for 24 hours then into dirt with a dome. Temp of 80 inside the dome with high humidity. Hope it works out.
Don't mind me I just read a book ...how to grow common fruit trees from nuts ...I'm still struggling ...as I had a lot of hope in 2 avocado nuts that was floating
in an old beer can on a foam raft trying to get them to germ ...60 days and still no germ root ....!@#$@@!!#$%% boo
I started a few avocados last year, only took 5 days to split and show roots. But it took almost 4 month for the leaves to appear. I ended up giving them away.