Length of clone cutting?


Well-Known Member
In an aeroponic cloner, is it bad for the cutting to extend beyond the bottom of the net pot? Are there pro's and con's?
I would think not, but after roots take place you might damage them if they get to long and thick before transplant them.
i dont know if this is what you mean but i dont think you wannt to stick the node through a hole in the mesh pot.
cut your clone, put it in rockwool(or similar medium) annd let just the roots go through those holes..
i see it as when it starts to root and take life its going to grow..it wont like life very much with that around its neck..please let me know if im wrong i have absolutely no experience with aero but it just seems that way to me
Aeroponic systems use neoprene inserts to hold the plants. A dense foam that will hold it there but will not restrict growth. large plants in aero systems are a bad idea unless your know what you are doing.
Ive seen it done both ways, obviously in aero works because theres enough moisture in the air of your root zone itll sprout roots so you can leave it suspended without rockwool, I use foam plugs like Bigz spoke about. Anyway if the netpot looks like its squeezing the tip of your clone then I wouldnt recommend putting it through the hole it might slow the root growth initially but it will in fact root eventually. Larger cuts will be a little more riskier to start root this way because the time it takes to develop roots it needs to sustain all of that plant matter you'll see a lot of leaves dying off. Just think ahead like are you going to need to take it out of that net pot for whatever reason? If none of those issues are stopping you then go for it, aero is an ez and quick way to clone as long as the basic factors are covered