LEO HWY Shakedowns K9 Interdiction Stings and You.....

Thanks for the good vibes Mudballs. Ive been working my ass off to hustle up a sizable amount to retain a reputable attorney for my case. Im sure glad im not going to have to rely on the public pretender who is only interested in keeping the wheels of justice rolling swiftly forward. I prefer to explore a my options especially since im right. I feel confident that i will find some grounds for a motion to supress. Ive shopped around and found an attorney with a strong compassion for cannabis and one that has some tenacity to boot.

Amoung other things ironically the state from which im accused is having alot of negative publicity about there police force violating civil rights of citizens. Theres been alot of public outcry over the predetory conduct of some of these interdiction units robbing drug dealers and selling off confiscated drugs for personal gain. AND not to mention they just bcame the states #1 killer outnumbering deaths from gang violence, domestic violence & homicides combined There being slammed all over the place for allegations of misconduct, criminal activity, and cold blooded murders its a ticking time bomb. With that said it may give me a little advantage since some of the officers invloved in misconduct where from the same agency that arrested me. i pray that the cops who i had been arrested by were crooked as fuck that would def be cool by me.

Should know where i stand in another week or 2. Fingures crossed!
Hind sight is 2020 and i will say this now. Utah is corrupt! Been many years since this and all is said and done. I filed a motion for discovery of the dash cam evidence and they went ape shit crazy making all kinds of plea offers. They would let me review the dash cam evidence in Utah, but would not send my attorney copies. They knew they were bogus and they even reduced my charges to "attempted possession of MJ" lol. You fkn kidding me lol. I attempted to possess all the shit in my trunk. Anyways i got 6 months informal probation for a guilty plea to the "Attempted Possession" charge. Lost a piss pile of $ but hey thats the game. Thats the life you live if you wanna be an outlaw. And ME!! I was all about it baby. Die hard outlaw. Jail is a holiday in my world. 3 hot & a cott. Its a good excuse to get your ass in shape. I read so many fucking books, i mean damn. Prison is not anywhere you want to end up. But it can also build a bad Mfr if your head strong ;) Now many years later do i regret what i did? Not for a minute!
holy shit this is old, lol...glad for that resolution tho. probation and some money, done deal where do i sign, huh.lol.been there done that. hey thanks for the update.positive vibes ur way