Lesbian Kicked Out Of Women’s Restroom By Police (VIDEO)

I find it really weird the sayings nowadays "be proud of who you are" ect ect that sure as hell doesn't mean cutting your dick off to be a women or whatever. It's the fucking opposite for me to tell my kids that's OK is like telling my daughter to go get a ass n boo job if she don't like her body? Nah mabe I'm old school . I don't hate gays or anything no problems at all I just think be who you are not chopping body parts to be who you want to be.
Like Caitlyn Jenner is a "hero" nah fucking weirdo my kids would never see heshe as a hero. I do have a few friends who are gay I just don't like the ones who chop body parts to be whatever just wrong imo

Ps I am not conservative
Here is my take if my doughter and my grand doughter gos in the bath room to take a piss and a male gos in while there in there so he can take a piss one of us is going to hell rite there on the spot.If you was born a man you beter use the mens rest room if iam there or your going to hell and iam going to jail if cought for what I do to you..ky...PS..And that boys and girls is a fact.There is also many other people that fill the same way I do.Quers are going to hell it take a sick person in the head to have sex with the same gender.GOD MADE ADEM AND EVA NOT ADEM AND STEVE
Are we back in the days of Leviticus where we should stone a couple of "Quers" for laying with each other?

You seem to have a biblical perspective... You're definitely not a Jew so you must call yourself a Christian. What did Jesus say?

Sunday school!

Read John 8:1-11 and tell me whether you believe Christ would have treated someone that committed a homosexual act any differently..

If you won't do this your religion is nothing more than shit and a cloak you use to abide in fear and hate.
You're so concerned with other people's genitals and now you're telling the internet how you're so hung. I think you're adding some inches in order to feel better about yourself and gain acceptance. The only reason you would exhibit these behaviors is that you're so insecure about your genitals that you are constantly thinking about other's genitals and eager to be perceived as having genitals that you can be proud of.

I think we're starting to understand the pathology behind your transphobia.
You're so concerned with other people's genitals and now you're telling the internet how you're so hung. I think you're adding some inches in order to feel better about yourself and gain acceptance. The only reason you would exhibit these behaviors is that you're so insecure about your genitals that you are constantly thinking about other's genitals and eager to be perceived as having genitals that you can be proud of.

I think we're starting to understand the pathology behind your transphobia.
Lol you think I'm hung? Thanks! I think of myself as average I'm not a big show off.