Using ''Stereo type'' to sound intelligent?, I must be smarter than I think.
The reason you stated why a bully becomes a bully is as cliche as it gets so forgive me for flagging that as a lack of understanding on that matter, I'm not saying you are generally stupid by that, at all. Why it matters is that many reasons behind bullying exist, to automatically assume it's the parents fault is irresponsible. It leads to lack of accountability for other party's at blame because parents fault.
You were quick to judge the father when you know very little about the situation. Even if he is going about it the wrong way, the fact he is trying to keep his child in line is a good start.
Putting it on Facebook is bad?. That is the reality of western civilization now. You know full well more and more people are uploading their lives, every aspect of it. If this were 20 year ago when uploading random content was not so prevalent this would have been child abuse had it been a single video out of context to the current society's use of internet space.
That is not the fathers doing, that is face book and society collectively. They created this new cult of constant inside access and many of us indulged in it.