Let 'em die! Woooooo! Yeah!


Well-Known Member
don't forget to take your meds today.
That's what they will be saying to you while your screaming and thrashing as they drag you off to the death chamber....
Why didn't Bachman call Perry on that innocent dude they executed in Texas? Is she saving that one as an ace up the sleeve?


Well-Known Member
after reading this i find i dont care much for your views either
I oppose forced vaccination- like Rick Perry supported and I oppose Forced Sterlization which has been policy off and on for years

Research Obama appointee John Holdren and his book Eco Science and get back to me...
Don't assinate u.s. citizens-Ron Paul 2012


Well-Known Member
I oppose forced vaccination- like Rick Perry supported and I oppose Forced Sterlization which has been policy off and on for years

Research Obama appointee John Holdren and his book Eco Science and get back to me...
Don't assinate u.s. citizens-Ron Paul 2012
you do know the worlds population is speeding towards 7 billion and will pass it in about a month??

who ever it is in charge of the eugenics program should be sacked....


Well-Known Member
I oppose forced vaccination- like Rick Perry supported and I oppose Forced Sterlization which has been policy off and on for years
then skip your MMR, tetanus or TB vaccinations and end up in the hospital. just make sure to get yourself insured because if you're not, people will cheer for your death.


Well-Known Member
That may be true, but I think sometimes people get caught up in the moment at events like these and just blurt out whatever stupid thing comes into their pea brains. I have little doubt that there is a small % of the people who cheered that might actually feel that way, but I wasn't just talking specifically about cheering people dying. There are plenty of morons out there in all parties that say and do dumb shit. It's not just limited to the Tea Party or the Repubs or the Dems. People are people man, and they can be kind and charitable and they can be evil and treacherous and just about everything in between. You can't label the whole because of a few d-bags is all I'm saying.:leaf:
these people were on tv, perfectly aware that they were representing the tea party in the first cnn tea party debate.

they chose to show their colors and make sure the rest of america heard.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Why didn't Bachman call Perry on that innocent dude they executed in Texas? Is she saving that one as an ace up the sleeve?
I'd rather see a debate on the issues, not personal attacks regarding hypothetical situations. That man's appeal was denied several times before execution. If the man was wrongly convicted its not a flaw of the executive, but instead the judicial system. Perry saw no grounds to pardon. Being in charge does not make people above the law. Thats why he apologized about the vaccinations, and said he was wrong.


Well-Known Member
It was kind of sad to see the boos involved whenever a candidate took a moderate position... Moderates need not apply in this election... sigh.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Beardo- I thought that was the FDA's job to make sure stuff like that doesn't happen? I didn't hear Rick Perry's name in that whole 4 minute clip....


Well-Known Member
Beardo- I thought that was the FDA's job to make sure stuff like that doesn't happen? I didn't hear Rick Perry's name in that whole 4 minute clip....
Rick Perry wasn't involved in that, I think bayre is german so the FDA probably wouldn't apply I think it was sold else ware because we didn't want the Aids. Just because something is FDA approved doesn't meen it's healthy.


Well-Known Member
The Tea Partiers are generally moronic inbred racists, who continuously vote against their own interests.


Well-Known Member
And immediatly explained that charity could take care of those in need...The clip was cut off short
yep, The obamaites are quite disingenuous.

Maybe people are afraid of Ron Paul because he expects them to think intelligently and act like adults.


Well-Known Member
yep, The obamaites are quite disingenuous.
are you dense?

the clip is not about ron paul. he is the unwitting candidate being asked the question, but the focus of the clip is to showcase how tea partiers are cheering for the death of an uninsured person (ironically, they are opposed to the individual mandate to buy insurance).

and next time you get sick, just make sure to visit your church. they'll faith heal you with jesus prayers.