Let get this shit rollin


Active Member
Hey guys, new here. I'm starting to grow for the first time and a few noob questions are a given. I've started to grow some bagseed while I wait for my AMS shipment to arrive * 25 days fml :roll: * and at the moment I have one in a humidity dome; today marks her *hopefully her * 3rd day in, and 3 more will be put in tomorrow. I was having some problems with humidity so I found a fix with moss, raised my humidity 20% but at the same time was curious if this was somehow affecting the germination. So question #1, is it? I'm growing out of my walk in closet for now, its pretty roomy, but the walls aren't white, its wood. So question #2, is my walls not being white going to dramatically affect my growth? Which brings me to my third question, and it seems I can't find a guide to give me an exact answer, question #3, when exactly do I start fertilizing. Thanks in advance guys, and possibly gals bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
uhm number one...... do you mean would that effect anything ? you didnt really ask a question lol yah it'll be fine i guess but white walls would probably distribute light better . just my opinion , and 2.......oh shit lol well NVM i just typed tht haha...shoudl read it thru first my bad ;-) and 3..........and what do you mean "fertilizing" like adding veg nutes?:blsmoke: :peace:


Active Member
Can you provide us with more info, like what your game plan is. Soil, nutes, pot size, lighting?
Sure... I have a basic setup for the germinating process in a 15 gal fish tank as the humidity dome. I didn't do the paper towel method, I've watched my brother do it and I find it counter productive to keep touching and moving the seed, so I stuck it in a shot glass full of clean water * bottled * until it sank 24-30 hours later. By that time it had split and you can see a root peeking out. I then put them in a plastic solo cup with slits in the bottom for water drainage filled with good soil. The soil name I don't know because my dad takes it out of the bag and keeps it in totes to avoid bugs getting in. It is good soil though, has the Styrofoam balls to prevent over watering. I bought a PH tester and it was about 6.9. So I figured it was pretty decent. When they come out of the tank I have a closet setup with a Plant light, I think its only 40watts but puts off a lot of light * fluorescent * and the pots will be 5 gal buckets filled not with soil but that other shit people use, for the life of me can't remember the name, its like lil rocks that retain a bit of water. As for nutes, that's where I'm kinda lost, I did however pick up some food for plants that I read on another site that is good for the flowering stage because the numbers on the front are 10-15-10.. My game plan is to just work out some kinks before I do this with some really expensive seeds from AMS. Do I expect to grow a 1lb of weed every 6 months; no, I just plan on having fun doing this, so far I'm having a blast. I turned down going to kings island today to make sure my babies could get there lights turned back on, so that's my game plan. I was having a humidity problem but got that fixed immediately with moss, My humidity and temp both stay stable all day long. So I was wondering if that was an okay solution. As for the closet, its wood, not white paint like most guides suggest, is this going to be a problem? And my last question was when exactly do I start fertilizing, and what do I give it. Hopeuflly this lil bit more of info can give you experts a prettier picture :) TIA


Well-Known Member
Young plants love humidity. They have only a basic root system at this point and are incapable of transporting any more moisture than they have to so they need low expiration rate. Thus the humidity dome. You're doing fine. two weeks then repot. the light reqirements at this stage are minimal. wall color doesn't matter a wit. Sweat that around week four. It will be important just not now


Active Member
Okay, so two weeks I'll report back. I have two light atm, ones kinda a fish heat light, and i have another on the outside shining plant light, which one do I get rid off? should I upload a pic?


Well-Known Member
buy white stickers shaped like circles or squares and cover the wood. It would be just like white paint, but cheaper, plus you can take it off later jmho


Well-Known Member
i would try to position that light so it doesnt travel through that glass. thats actually dissipating a lot of the light believe it or not. its why mirrors are kinda worthless as reflectors


Well-Known Member
for germination you dont want any light. but after it sprouts its tail and breaks the surface of the soil thats when it needs light at that point its really up to you but everything i've read/done says to give it a dark period so i say 18/6