Well-Known Member
dude, that is one MASSSIVVVEEE bush u got there. that worm poop really does the trick. i wanna grow outside so bad. lucky as hell man
ghb? the vit supplement. the one that get u loaded?Check out my baby hughey plant...I tried to trim and keep it small but it's on GHB and wont stop growing. Oh well let's see how much we get. I cant get my arms around the thing and im 6'5 and cant see over it neither. It's doing so good on just water alone...the dirt was full of worms and sand when I planted 1 seed. Crazy how all you need is water+soil+sun=great medicine! Praise God Peace!
Oil and paper companies in the 20's poured lots of money into campagns to make MJ illegal, so they could continue to be the only source of oil and paper. Now they have the masses believing MJ is BAD. Didn't God give us all seed bearing plants? I guess I missed the verse that says "except for the marijuana plant". FUCK the police! I'd luv to see some pigs headed my way, In the wilderness I'm the F'n Law! Besides all those cops would be too pussy to come through here. Man it's stories like this that get me all worked up. You think your government doesn't WANT to F you over? Just read this poor guys storyAs many folks i know in the military i doubt there is much of a conspiricy. I can't believe that our country would really do anything to hurt us, there are just some who have no idea what the plant is and are going on "what ifs". That is the main problem with america right now, we are all about what ifs. What if it were legal in illinois, would corn production cease, because farmers profit more from weed than corn, and save tons $$$ in Fert. That is why there HAS TO BE federal limits, regardless, and ban can't be completely lifted. Another fear is that people will turn thier 1/4 acre lots into 1/8 pot farms. Another what if, is saying that if its all over the place than kids will try and steal it, and people may use lethal force to protect it. All of these are giant what ifs! The what ifs, are what have us in Iraq right now, the what ifs are what have the CDC soaking the feds for tons of cash. I say our gov has to quit being a bipolor, nearvous, clairvoyant. There are simple laws that work, and will crush these what ifs. Its just a matter of getting more money to congress than special interest groups like....Cotton, lumber, medicine & pharmacuticals, green energy. This is what is really up. Its not a conspiracy. Oh yea and i quit smoking pot, just a regular scheduled break and it really aint that bad. Its almost like a buzz being sober. Not to mension the loss of slight Social Anxiety Disorder (because its not legit yet)
TRUTH IS> we lose more Kids, and police, fireman, emts, responding and prolonging to the WAR ON DRUGS than the Iraq war. I am sure of this, Obama is sure of this. And if profit were removed from drugs. Well then about 70% of americas' criminals, foreign and domestic would simply have to go back to school, get a new job, what have you. The only reason i know so much is cause i play both sides of the fence, for arguments sake. I want to know peoples fears about decrim.
DEA profits for bonuses and toys! These guys are ussually X-military and are perfectly content just shooting thier new toys at the range. most could give two shits about thier"mission statement" Think about it. Being illegal it is being purchased primarily by people who have already had thier income tax removed from thier paycheck. So essentially drug money is CLEAN MONEY, and REAL MONEY, earned Money. So when they sieze it, well you figure it out. And as for the border opperations. hHAHAHAHA, let the weed through, stop the herion, coke, and money. The only reason for the laws and the DEA is to pop people when they get well beyond personal use, or stop paying taxes/bills. Keep that in mind before you decide to expand your harvest.