Let me answer your ?s...

All the nutrients in the soil have been used by the plant, you need to put food in there for them [nutrients] if u want to stay organic theres organic nutes [nutrients] that u can buy heres the organic version of wot i use

and heres the synthetic version

remember you dont have to flush with organic nutes like you do with synthetic.

The nutes i posted are for flowering, you need vedge nutes that have more nitrogen

Something like this would be good for you as its designed for use in soil and its organic
hey, my plants are 5 weeks old, and still in veg, in MG organic soil, bottled water, no nutrients, 80 day 68 nights, 18/6, 2 fans, low humidity(is that bad for veg?), but as i was writing this i thought about it, and put 2 shot glasses with some water in there, hope that helps a little.

Anyway, here are the pics of them, some are older pics but they show the problem better.

basically the plants are very small, They did fine for a few weeks then i noticed the lower leaves of the plants would turn a light yellowish white, dry up, and then i would cut them off. any ideas on how to fix it?
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Try backing away your lights and turn off the fans completely... Yes you want high humidity... If there is a fan on DO NOT point it directly on those little guys...
Without the lower temps you're going to sacrifice a lot of dissolved oxygen,
but there are other ways to deal with the higher temps and preventing bad
growth in your reservoir.

Beneficials are a way of keeping slime/root rot at bay and are relatively
cheap to brew your own tea. There's a great thread on how to do so
found here: https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/361430-how-breed-your-own-beneficial.html

Or you can go the route of using a conditioner like Dutch Master Zone
this will basically kill off any and all growth in your reservoir, good or
bad. So don't use the two in conjunction (beneficials and conditioners)
as you will kill off your beneficials and was them. h2o2 is also similar to
this approach as it will kill off growth in your reservoir. Many people
refrain from using h2o2 though as it's a harsh chemical and can have a
negative impact on your roots as well.

The benefits from a lower temp will be your best solution as you can add
your beneficials as well, and your DO levels will be optimized by the temps
being low and your rootzone will thank you for that.

good shit... just caught this one... Heisenberg knows his stuff!...