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Well-Known Member
whats up fellow growers hope everyone is enjoying there day maybe im just really high but does anyone else let their plants listen to music? I told you I was high lol naw really though because I remember when my wife was prego with my daughter we were told that reggae music sooths them when there are all crazy in the womb moving around stuff like that so I was just curious idk lol anyway stay irie
whats up fellow growers hope everyone is enjoying there day maybe im just really high but does anyone else let their plants listen to music? I told you I was high lol naw really though because I remember when my wife was prego with my daughter we were told that reggae music sooths them when there are all crazy in the womb moving around stuff like that so I was just curious idk lol anyway stay irie
I dont play my plants music unless its me hummin lol damn ur high
Plants love music, it's a proven fact, hell it was even on myth-busters once!!

Your not high, I have a Bluetooth speaker with my girls that streams internet radio, and the bitches love it, besides it passes time while I'm working with them :D
Actually plants don't care what kind of music it is, it can be rap, rock, rnb, country, techno, rage, doesn't matter what it is they like it.
every study I have read says they respond best to classical, not arguing, it's just what they say, I don't do it
I leave the radio tuned to 'lyric fm' in the grow room. I worry though, cos sometimes they play jazz, and that can cause hermies and cellular eruption syndrome.
When the wife was pregnant with #1, I played a lot of Aphex Twin. Child is fucking mental...
Plants love music, it's a proven fact, hell it was even on myth-busters once!!

Your not high, I have a Bluetooth speaker with my girls that streams internet radio, and the bitches love it, besides it passes time while I'm working with them :D
lol ok good glad im not the only odd one there that's why I like this site there are some of the smartest and coolest people
I leave the radio tuned to 'lyric fm' in the grow room. I worry though, cos sometimes they play jazz, and that can cause hermies and cellular eruption syndrome.
When the wife was pregnant with #1, I played a lot of Aphex Twin. Child is fucking mental...
damn that's funny lol like really lol