let me lnow what you think


they are white widow looking good but starting to curl down ?? lights are four t5 6500 , water mix is fox farm big bloom 1/4 teaspoon per gal , and 1/4 teaspoon epson salt , lighting 18/6 , air temp 77---78 deg , water temp 68 deg , air stone in water reservoir ,



Active Member
looks good to me. If you are talking about the lower leaves than they are curling probably cause they are not getting enough light on the lower parts. Add some supplimental lighting to the sides and I bet those leaves perk right up. Or you could try training it. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I agree, everything looks good. Most likely the lower leaves are drooping is due to lack of light just as idlehands said.


Well-Known Member
edcarr - them bad girls. beautiful ladies. :)

in my opinion you should lower the lights? unless there is a reason you have it that high. I use t5 for cloning/early veg and keep the lights right on them! that's the nice thing about using these fluorescent lights! But it was definitely a good move to get some side lighting.
How old are your ladies? Are you going to flower under the t5's?


I think thay are 5 tp 6 weeks old 11" tall... this is my first grow and i am trying to figure out when to start the 12/12 flowering ... for the flowering i will use hps lighting i am just useing the t5 for veg. ( when should i start the 12/12 flowering ?/? anyone...


Well-Known Member
Well, is your hps air cooled? What wattage is it? How much head room do you have in your grow room?