Let The Growing Begin!


Active Member
I'm having trouble getting my seeds to sprout. They've been inside a paper towel for 2 days and none of them have sprouts yet. It may have been because my room is so cold. I have now moved them to a friends car to keep the bag warm and humid.

The last time I germ'd seeds in his car, the sprouts grew little white hairs and were HUGE after 3 days.

I'm still hoping to make it backk to the spot tomorrow and get to digging. Still dont have any soil though. :(


Well-Known Member
no lie .. some of my seeds took 5 days .. just to crack! .. so 2 is fine .. you wont need soil until your plants are ready to go into ground.. that's when i got mine lol


Active Member
Good luck! looking good so far! some seeds took up to 2 weeks to germinate for me, i guess it just depends on the seed stock and their age.


Well-Known Member
yeah just depends .. but in a week i chucked the seeds .. figuring they would grow as slow as they germed lol


Active Member
Ugh...My grow could get underway a little faster if I had a reliable partner. I have no car so I depend on him to drive me to and from the spot. He always wakes up really late in the day (Anywhere from 3-6pm) and is always extremely lazy...even after agreeing to help me he always bitches or just walks off and leaves me alone at the spot trying to get shit ready.

Anyways, I've gotta check my seeds that I have germinating in said friends car. I am also germinating the other 50 seeds I have.

One thing I did notice though about germinating.....The first time I did it for the shady spot I was trying to grow at, I used bottled water and kleenex. After 3 days the sprouts were huge and by day 5 they were already starting to develop small leaves.

This time I used normal tap water and paper towels and I had them in a drawer in my cold room and after 3 days they hadn't even cracked yet.

So now with the 50 seeds I did the same but left them out of a bag and put them in my window sill. Hopegully that will work. That's all that's holding me back right now are seeds.


Well-Known Member
Ugh...My grow could get underway a little faster if I had a reliable partner. I have no car so I depend on him to drive me to and from the spot. He always wakes up really late in the day (Anywhere from 3-6pm) and is always extremely lazy...even after agreeing to help me he always bitches or just walks off and leaves me alone at the spot trying to get shit ready.

Anyways, I've gotta check my seeds that I have germinating in said friends car. I am also germinating the other 50 seeds I have.

One thing I did notice though about germinating.....The first time I did it for the shady spot I was trying to grow at, I used bottled water and kleenex. After 3 days the sprouts were huge and by day 5 they were already starting to develop small leaves.

This time I used normal tap water and paper towels and I had them in a drawer in my cold room and after 3 days they hadn't even cracked yet.

So now with the 50 seeds I did the same but left them out of a bag and put them in my window sill. Hopegully that will work. That's all that's holding me back right now are seeds.
they need a dark place to germ .. so put them under something opaque


Active Member
Well, I don't think this grow is going to happen.

I went to the spot today with a bag of Schultz Cactus soil (only thing I could find around the house), 13 seeds, and 13 styrofoam cups. I planted 9 sprouts in the cups with the soil and when I walked over to the spot to dig a few holes to set the cups down in, I hit rock bottom....Literally.

The ground is nothing but sedimentary rocks like you would find around the edge of the lake. Yes, it has trees growing all around it, but that's probabaly from the soia few feet down and it would just take too much to dig that far.

So I just set the cups in the spot and left. I might go back in a week and check on them. I don't know where to grow them at now.


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't think this grow is going to happen.

I went to the spot today with a bag of Schultz Cactus soil (only thing I could find around the house), 13 seeds, and 13 styrofoam cups. I planted 9 sprouts in the cups with the soil and when I walked over to the spot to dig a few holes to set the cups down in, I hit rock bottom....Literally.

The ground is nothing but sedimentary rocks like you would find around the edge of the lake. Yes, it has trees growing all around it, but that's probabaly from the soia few feet down and it would just take too much to dig that far.

So I just set the cups in the spot and left. I might go back in a week and check on them. I don't know where to grow them at now.
grow them in pots ... if there is enough stuff grown up right there it will hide the pots.. it'll just require you to water more often


Active Member
IDK about taking some pots down there. It was already sketch enough when a bunch of boats kept going by...And then one boat went by and slowed down, turned around and came back, then turned and kept on going. I got freaked out...lol
Oh and I cut little slits around the bottoms of the cup for drainage.


Active Member
Keep your head up high! Dont give up yet as the rest of the way gets easier, And i bet you in two weeks times youl be happy you continued!


Active Member
I'l try not to give up. I'l try to find some pots somewhere and get the plants in them here in 2 weeks or so. If not, I'l find somewhere else to grow them.

I am kinda worried about getting caught though. That was really scary what happened today. Plus, when the leaves fall off the trees I'd hate to have the pots just right out in the open.

Also...It stormed really hard today and I can almost guarantee the cups I set up today are blown over and have dumped the seeds.

Guess we'l see soon.


Well-Known Member
I'l try not to give up. I'l try to find some pots somewhere and get the plants in them here in 2 weeks or so. If not, I'l find somewhere else to grow them.

I am kinda worried about getting caught though. That was really scary what happened today. Plus, when the leaves fall off the trees I'd hate to have the pots just right out in the open.

Also...It stormed really hard today and I can almost guarantee the cups I set up today are blown over and have dumped the seeds.

Guess we'l see soon.
you didnt supports your cups in anyway? should bury at least half of them or something


Active Member
Like I said, the ground was almost solid rock. I dug up some small places to even the ground out so the cups could set evenly, then pushed a little dirt up around the cups. But it was storming bad last night. Like 60mph wind gusts.


Active Member
BTW, here is what the rock looked like when I tried digging the holes:

It was more brown though and broke apart really easily...I mean, there were plants all around growing out of it...Maybe I could just try digging the holes and planting them there anyways? I mean I'm sure it's full of nutrients from all the shit that's settled to the bottom and formed the rocks.


Well-Known Member
BTW, here is what the rock looked like when I tried digging the holes:

It was more brown though and broke apart really easily...I mean, there were plants all around growing out of it...Maybe I could just try digging the holes and planting them there anyways?
dude just sounds like u need to relocate ... seriously