Let The Healing Begin! First Grow- DIY CXB3070


Well-Known Member
Thanks Waiks...I have many on the cheese (dnf) but almost no damage on the other 4:moby dick (dnf) train wreck og kush amherst sour diesel (hso)...8 week to go...
All the other plants under 600hps are light green (end of stretch) but the iceXkush is still very dark (I will keep this one)
Have a great day ★


Well-Known Member
Buds looking great nice job man! Bummer about the mites, maybe a combo of Spinosad and 100% Neem Oil
Thanks Supra!
I might try that, but as a polish rather than a spray... I would not want to taste neem come harvest. What do you think?
Some pistils have already browned because of the spray.
Also while you're here, do you think 1x cxb3590 can efficiently veg a scrog in the 36" x 20" tent? Kind of a weird shape to cover with one cob, but it's only veg. I was thinking 5000k and a china driver. I have extra alpine 11's laying around already.

This gives me great hope for my closet tent that is the same size. Your setup is awesome man! Plants look epic.
Cheeeehuuuu! Always happy to provide some hope haha. Is it an apollo horticulture tent as well? lol. Thanks for the good vibes brotha! I hope your tent brings some serious stoke :D

Awww yea. Dem plants be looking killahs bruddah waiks. Nice to see some pidgin going on.. You know we bilingual now... Howz dat!?

Sun still mo Bettah but nuttin wrong with growing fatties indoor with cobs. Come out different but still crip

Shoots.. Aloha waiks
Mahalo Positivity!
Cheeeeyupp! Guarantrees brah I saw one video of da kine on facebook... You seen da one with da english subtitles? Classic!!!
Haha yeah can't wait to get some land in the country. My balcony gets nice sun but it's wayyyy too exposed.

Ever since I started posting here and meeting people from outer islands I've been rethinking the honeymoon trip with the misses. I wanna make a stop in Maui now to see some inspiration in person! Lol a lot of you guys killing it out there.

I really love the shape and leaves of this Critical SSH...
How long will be the bloom? 11weeks?
I guess critical is 8/9 weeks and SSH 12/13weeks so 10/11 maybe!
The CSSH is a real toughie! She has been really resistant to the pest problems I had goin on when I first got the clones from the "dude". Even now she has the least amount of leaf damage from the mites compared to the Mt. Cooks.

The clones of her I got are really beautiful as well. Smelly already too! I was lucky enough to get a clone with some symmetrical branching. She's going to be the mama :D

I have read some reports and there is one pheno that is much faster than the other. One person reported a chop at 48 days...The longer one goes to 75 days. This is just my first grow, but I have a feeling she'll be ready at 61.. Just putting that out in the universe now :)


Well-Known Member
What are this? o_O
Just turned back the lights last night. This morning I find trichomes on the new growth?!
Is this because of the uv? I took the cuts on Oct 31. The plants were 1 week into flowering at the time of cuttings, if that has anything to do with it.

At first I thought it was some sort of bug turd so I wiped off a little...then looked closer and had to snap a pic.
Present on all three CSSH clones... :D


Well-Known Member
Day 45 Flower

CSSH nug shot
Mt. Cooks starting to really swell now. Had a battle with pests and neglect early in life but they're all chugging along great. Looking to be some fat indica buds on them! Stoked. Crazy to see how much faster the CSSH is though. The clones she produced are also taking off. Thinking about popping some c99 seeds soon. Depending on the smoke of the Mt Cook come harvest I don't think I'll keep the genetics around. Her growth is super sporadic and branchy.

Good Vibes to all!
Happy Growing :D


Well-Known Member
Cheeee yeah da fo realz kine crip! Mahalo my braddah :)

She is so awesome! Couldn't be happier for my first grow. She was the only one out of three seeds that survived. (3 Different strains)
A detailed smoke report will be posted my friend!
Aloha to you and the ohana :peace:


Well-Known Member
Not the best pics, but
CSSH clone #1
Day 11 Flower
She's a quick one!
Grows in height only 150% during stretch phase..leaves are sativa like but internodes are really tight. Very little branching. Looks to be an 8 week finisher based on mama plant. Gonna be a straight budsicle fat cola. Can't wait! Amazing smell as well! Dank from clone birth lol
20151209_111238.jpg 20151209_111209.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'm feelin like a little kid right now guys!
After watering the girls this fine december morning I busted out the good ol' 40x loupe. Amber trichomes baby!!!! On the CSSH :D Been searchin for em hardcore for the past few days, and almost got a 100x scope cuz I was having a hard time figuring out if those little beautiful balls were clear, cloudy, or amber... But then boom! Those ambers stick out like a sore thumb. The few I've seen I definitely saw lol. At day 48, just like a few other journals I've read.

I like heady stuff, couchlock is no fun to me. I plan to let her go until I see 5-10% amber. Need to figure out my drying/curing space pronto!
Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
If you like it most amber you will need 3/4 more weeks imo!
It is 70% sativa I guess so 75/80days should be great...
You don't like couch lock but I smoked
some C+ from dinafem who was strong and very indica but I don't the plant use in your cross!
Have a great day ★


Well-Known Member
Day 52 Flower
Lights on, white balance adjusted
> Lights off, camera flash 20151215_083035.jpg
> Bud Shots with Bob! CSSH 20151215_083050.jpg 20151215_083100.jpg 20151215_083139.jpg 20151215_083155.jpg
Mt. Cook 20151215_083206.jpg

My palms are sweaty, nose weak eyelids heavy
I wanna harvest you ladies already, But ya'll won't let me
Theres ambers
But is it enough now please just tell me baby
Cuz I want buds
My stash is nearing empty

I don't wanna wait more, but I know if I do I'll score
Just a little bit more time and I can reap the rewards
Of all this dank! Everything I've been working towards
With only more
To come, man it's Buds Galore!
Snap back to reality I'll stop biting rabbit if he
saw this shit he'd prob'ly be laughing
But I can't give up that easy
No, it's too catchy
This beat has been in my head since elementary
But this is the part where I don't really know
What he's saying so we'll just keep the beat playing and then when the time comes say

You better lose yourself in the garden, ganja farmin, let all of the stress go..

Man this Da Buddha Vape has been keeping me elevated to another level... Lol sorry for the random flow there, spurts out randomly. It's a blessing and a curse.

I'm seeing some ambers on the leaves but none on the buds themselves. There's some pistils that are curling in still. Gonna wait it out with the CSSH. The Mt. Cooks are plumping up nicely as well. Hopefully I can have the next run in there before new years. I plan to throw down a screen 8 inches above two 10 gallon smarties. Depending on the size of the girls in veg right now when the time comes, each pot will have 1-2 plants in each. Should be a great time, don't forget to rsvp :P

Enjoy the day my friends!
Much Love



Well-Known Member
It looks like you're doing great brah. I'm stoked for you. Nice flow there too :) How's the smells?

And you'll get amber trichs on the leaves before the buds generally. I can't tell you why, but leaf tricomes seem to mature faster than bud tricomes. I'd probably guess another two weeks on the CSSH give or take half a week. And the Mt. Cook still has a way to go it looks like. 2.5-3.5 weeks would be my best guess. Keep up the good work brah :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the kind words, friends!

2 weeks brah? I don't know if I can wait that long...lol. Can with the cssh clones but time is money right now :/
Smells are unreal on the cssh. Idk how to describe it. It's like dank with small kine fruit. Then the cooks are super piney. Hopefully theyll start smelling unique soon.

Enjoy the day