Let's add an "LED Growing" sub-forum! Vote Now!

Should we add an LED Growers sub-forum to RIU Indoor?

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Probably around the same price. We buy 100,000 diodes at a time and get a great price. If you go and buy just 300 or so diodes they will be very pricey. Plus building a quality power supply would be difficult...
I AM ALL FOR THE SWITCH, AND FORUM. Once i crop this last harvest then its all LED from here on out. LOL, after seeing my friends crop using LED's I would be an idiot to keep using MH or HPS. Trust me, i thought HPS was the best thing since sliced bread until my boy made the switch. Electric bill, GONE, heat issues, GONE, leave burn due to lights being too close, GONE.. The crop was bushy, good consistent growth and cropped 1.6 lbs more than he usually does with the exact same set-up. I will say one thing, they are expensive to get the set up you need, but you WILL MAKE THAT $$$ BACK ASAP WITHOUT THE HIGH electric bill.
5 years from now there wont be anyone growing on here or anywhere WITHOUT LED , they just don't know it yet :-) Trust me, prices on LED will drop and there wont be any reason to use ANYTHING BUT LED. It is going to be like VHS & cd's, everyone WILL make the switch, just some of the stubborn ones will take longer to switch, but it will happen.
Lets see this happen. Currently growing under led's: two seedlings, both bagseed. Under one 1 foot square led panel of red and blue. When plants get a little bigger I am adding another two panels. All of this inside a 4.35 square foot box. Gunna use LST alot!!!

LED FORUM NEEDS TO COME! Lets see what others have got.