Let's Discuss Some Old School Hash Methods


bongsmilieHey everyone, I have to ask if anyone knows any good "ghetto" hash methods. NO BUCKET BAGS, I don't do that, nor can I afford to. Here's MY formula.bongsmilie

1. First you get all the CLIPPINGS from your harvest, and any buds you would like to contribute, and dry them out good but not TOO much, then freeze for a 1-2 day period.
2. Then once frozen, you take out of freezer, and palm grind them into a "silk screen", and sift the flakes gently, but thoroughly.(not too much because then the hash will be a nasty green)
3. Then you'll have a nice pile of the resin(tricomes), and scoop this up with an index card, and place into a cigarette cellophane and pack tightly, and then roll it up TIGHTLY, and tape off with one small piece of scotch tape.
4. Get several small pieces of news print paper, and roll it tightly around the packet, and tape this too off with some scotch.
5. Saturate the paper packet in cool/warm sink water.
6. Preheat the oven to 175
°C/347°F and place packet on cooking sheet for 10 mins
7. take out the packet and roll it with a dough roller nice and flat, then repeat process but reduce the time by 2 min
8. Now throw the packet into the fridge for 60 minutes and once that hours over cute the paper and cellophane off the item, and there you have it, a nicely compressed and press brick of hashish.bongsmilie


Eh not quite that old school brotha, but if you've got any methods from that old I'd be glad to help bro.

I checked that vid and it seemed to work. But I don't use a grinder really unless I am dealing with TONS of buds, and they're really dense. But thank you :) I will deff try it. What do YOU do?


Well-Known Member
I've got a shiat load of trim and small buds, and need to do something with em'. I don't want to drop a grip on bubble bags so I'm interested to see what methods y'all are using. Up to this point I've just been extracting using ISO alcohol 91%. I've got a tincture going with 100 proof vodka but havn't tried it yet. What low cost quality methods are out there?


The one I posted was practically FREE! All you need to do is go somewhere to get a small silk screen or EASILY make one, you can even use a "yogurt strainer" found cheap at any grocery store. I don't make bubble hash though. Once you have your "sifter" go get a cigarette cellophane, scotch tape, and a newspaper and your set. It makes A LOT. I'd say with one cereal bowl of clippings you could make around 4+ grams


Well-Known Member
Sup y'all, just broke down and picked up a 5 bag bubble-bag set. I tried several different methods with the cheese cloths etc and just wasnt getting there results that I was looking for. This weekend I'll have something up documenting my first quality hash extraction. I'm excited as hell, anyone got any tips?


Well-Known Member
real old school:

take fresh buds on the stalks. Get a big barrel and wash your feet really well. Take handfulls of stalks with buds and just start rolling them around the bottom of the barrel with your feet. From time to time scrape the goo off your feet. It's basically the same idea as making wine from grapes back in the day, and was used all over the place for hundreds of years to make hash.

Another old school method would be to take woven mats and hang them up. Put paper or something under it. Take buds on stalks and smack them against the mat. Collect kief from the gound and goo from the mat, mix them together.

I imagine soaking ground bud in heated fat and then straining was also something used back in the day.

What you describe is pretty much a poor man's bubble bags, not what I would call old school :)


Well-Known Member
real old school:

take fresh buds on the stalks. Get a big barrel and wash your feet really well. Take handfulls of stalks with buds and just start rolling them around the bottom of the barrel with your feet. From time to time scrape the goo off your feet. It's basically the same idea as making wine from grapes back in the day, and was used all over the place for hundreds of years to make hash.

Another old school method would be to take woven mats and hang them up. Put paper or something under it. Take buds on stalks and smack them against the mat. Collect kief from the gound and goo from the mat, mix them together.

I imagine soaking ground bud in heated fat and then straining was also something used back in the day.

What you describe is pretty much a poor man's bubble bags, not what I would call old school :)

That's what I had in mind when he said old school hash thread.... some real old school techniques lol but then I started reading about ovens and knew I came to the wrong place