Let's get drunk!!!

Fuck. It was shed day at 10 this morn. I still haven't gotten to start it..too much other cleaning inside to do.

Guess tomorrow is shed day! :hump:
Man I'm pooped out..and Fig is sick as hell. Think I'm turning in early, damn allergies are flaring up. Thanks for the heads up @cat of curiosity... !!

you were right, it made it here a couple days later!! I'm starting to look like Night of the Living Dead..giant circles under me eyes from no sleep (thanks Goody powders), skin dehydrated, ready for winter to kill all this ragweed/golden rod/whatever..lol

Sniffly nose, sinus drainage, headaches.
Just.... :spew:
bahahah thats like comparing apples to oranges mate totally different than going into a random thread and attacking someone for their religious views.
its a personal attack please kindly scroll up the page and read the bolded text ;)
I mean no disrespect whatsoever...
But in all fairness, I think he was just asking a question. :???: Wouldn't that fall under "debating without resorting to name calling"?
This thread was fun and now it's been tainted with unnecessary drama...
To be fair..yes, if I didn't want it out I would not. However here I feel free to be who I am and I don't make apologies for it nor do I judge others for their beliefs/non beliefs. All of my threads are race, religion and politic free I do not seek others out to judge them. One question for you...Have I caused harm to you? I think not. To be truly fair, you would have to admit that.

Thanks for your question!
And look...Rosie handled it just fine :)

I'm drinking a preview of a beer that my brother brewed for a festival coming up(pretty yummy but not what he was aiming for a little more bitter and not as sweet as it should ahve been. then taking a walk to the liqour store and will sit in the park with my headphones on skating and sipping on vodka or beer maybe both!
I mean no disrespect whatsoever...
But in all fairness, I think he was just asking a question. :???: Wouldn't that fall under "debating without resorting to name calling"?
This thread was fun and now it's been tainted with unnecessary drama...

And look...Rosie handled it just fine :)

Eh, not tainted ;) if that was the case, all my threads are tainted..

I'm used to being bombed around here, glad Sunni was around to deal with it :)

What you doin tonight?
I would have been on earlier but the PPR was hopping and I was out shopping. Got to pick up some sneakers and jeans/tops! woot woot!

Thinking it's a wine night..
No worries, I like to check in on this thread to set a positive note for the rest ;)
Well I thank you for that! we need more positivity around here. I had a dude ask me not long after I started the PPR thread didn't I ever just want to punch someone for taking too long in line..lol

I said I get aggravated just like everybody else, I just choose not to dwell on it. That sometimes I have to just smile and know things could always be worse! ;)
was drinking some grape wine earlier, now I'm about to toke up on this Blueberry Diesel. Good stuff!
Right on. I haven't smoked a good blueberry in ages. You can keep the wine, that's heartburn and headache for me :oops:
Still on my great white beer and homegrown Tahoe OG (outdoor) it turned out awesome for being a floppy disappointment in the garden.
Right on. I haven't smoked a good blueberry in ages. You can keep the wine, that's heartburn and headache for me :oops:
Still on my great white beer and homegrown Tahoe OG (outdoor) it turned out awesome for being a floppy disappointment in the garden.
awww..the wine I can tolerate better than beer lately. Never was a big beer drinker to start with but somehow divorce gave me a taste for it..lol

It's pretty good smoke, glad your OG turned out good for you ;) anymore music you feel like sharing this evening?