Let's get drunk!!!

Different size kegs. 1\4, 1\2 barrel....
Never tried brewing beer cause you have to keep everything so SANITARY.
My buddy brewed for a while and had a couple batches go bad. "A little fuck up, and you can ruin a batch" he'd say after dumping gallons onto the ground.
I've heard that before, a while back. An old friend of my ex made his own and said he'd wasted plenty too..lol
I just help out the rave scene like fuck,you stupid whore your getting a cut on monday leave me alone.

place bets. this guy is shooting mdma (80%) and k all in one go

im on tiny chat if you want to watch anyone od. also doing some crazt fucking good meth and a bit of h just to make her mad.

people think my death wish is just that. we shall see. msg me and at 12 am est I am doin more drugs in a needle then most wouookm, at :D

hooraay for death

fuck mywoman
mention me and your doomed for shit. this forum the oldest pot fourm.

toma is a legend in shit posting thio.

some great trolling. mad so many mad it crazy
mention me and your doomed for shit. this forum the oldest pot fourm.

toma is a legend in shit posting thio.

some great trolling. mad so many mad it crazy
toma just a depressed nukka that hopes his next dose of heroin kills him. also shiooting some damm fine cocaine.

life ine the fact for me sucks. just made a lasagna I feed my brother, then mr farmer goin to eat a slice... dome back to this chair s;am a hero amound and wake up about 3 am then smoke another joint and slam some more till i cam sleep agaim