Let's get drunk!!!


so this is my entire kitchen...the box has my plates...;like you can see how it can become "messy" quick over like 1 dish being used hahaha
i usually take off the dishrack but i havent put the dishes away yet lol thats it thats all my entire cupboard space

i had to be creative
heres a useable old sewing machine that is now my "bar"

i am not growing right now ..i dont trust this building yet..

Bar: cool
Kitchen: :lol:
eh you can only try to help so much.
never said it was a competition i said everyones got their issues, instead of just trying a quick fix like snorting up drugs maybe you should consider working hard for what you want to achieve

may i ask how old you are? you seem fairly young...and if you dont mind what kinda course youre taking?
it seems to me, and this is just with what youve said and no disrespect is meant

but it seems to me youre taking a course that isnt directly related to a career,
you want a quick fix solution but you also want a reason to use and abuse substances.
you want to use school as your reasoning to make it okay to justify snorting adderall
holy fuck i just went all social service worker on someone :/

Someone had to. I'm glad it was you!

lol it's that obvi, aye? :P

Actually that was why I said my gadar was off or borked, pink countertops made me wonder, so then I remembered all the cock talk and realized there could be a clue in there somewhere if I could just take a little closer look see.... LOL

I mean seriously who doesn't like a good penis? But Pink countertops you gotta have that gay mojo or you ain't pullin' off pink countertops. Ok Sunni could ..... but no one else!