Let's get drunk!!!

Well my beer train is still going strong but it looks like back to work in 2 days,,,so,,,,today and tomorrow I'm gonna

Keep on Growin

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Sorry I missed you guys!! I moved back in January and boy my life has changed tenfold! its amazing...and great! I don't get on much after 6 in the eves anymore, my schedule is a lot fuller now and about to be more so in June. I do drink every day now though..LOL usually its smirnoffs or icehouse edge, weekends its Captain Morgan :)
Ah, me and captain morgan do not get along. Every time i drink it i throw up, i had a bad experience one time that killed it for me :(
ran out of co2 for the kegs while bottling, so today i decided to drink shitty malt liqour as I lost my i.d while fighting a while back.

adding dragonfruit to a beer later for the largest comp in Canada. hope it medals or i'll be sad.
as much as I would like to be getting drunk right now,I have to HoLE off till after lunch,,I gotta drive the mother in law to a doctor's appointment at 11:30:wall: Sure that I will make up for it as soon as we are back

Keep on Growin

had six beers in 2 hours and feelin fine,,,mother in law did fine at the doctors,,also my doctor,,,she says I have your bloodwork test results,,,FROM LAST MAY,,I was like I told you I would only be here if I was dying,,or driving(the mother in law)anyway,,my drunken drug riddled ass"s results were,,Hemoglobin,perfect,kidney's,perfect,thyroid,perfect,salt and sugars,perfect,,she asks,,how old are you,,and I said 22,,although I'll be 48 on Friday,,she said really,,I said 48 on Friday,,,but your not stickin your finger in my ass,,I knew what she was getting at,,colon checkup,,she laughed,,and I laughed,,and said,,my ass works just fine,,,just add beer:hump:

Keep on Growin

had six beers in 2 hours and feelin fine,,,mother in law did fine at the doctors,,also my doctor,,,she says I have your bloodwork test results,,,FROM LAST MAY,,I was like I told you I would only be here if I was dying,,or driving(the mother in law)anyway,,my drunken drug riddled ass"s results were,,Hemoglobin,perfect,kidney's,perfect,thyroid,perfect,salt and sugars,perfect,,she asks,,how old are you,,and I said 22,,although I'll be 48 on Friday,,she said really,,I said 48 on Friday,,,but your not stickin your finger in my ass,,I knew what she was getting at,,colon checkup,,she laughed,,and I laughed,,and said,,my ass works just fine,,,just add beer:hump:

Keep on Growin

don't run somebody over on the way
I guess you don't know,,,,,,I am a seasoned veteran,,heavy on the seasoned,,,,just like with weed or any drug,,a person builds a tolerence level,,,,still feelin great but know when not too do something stupid,,,and the smokes are like a minute away,,LMAO,,,don't think for a second I ain't hittin the beer store too,,,,what will I drink tomorrow morning if I don't go today

Keep on Growin

I'm drunk as a mofo and gotta do some moves for my brother.

fucking people waiting on me like a bitch as i travel half this city.
ugh if i see my ex i swear her new boy gunna get cleaned up quick.

safe travels here we come
Well,,,1;18 in the afternoon ,,and 12 beers in,,was supposed to go for bloodwork today but I figured they should buy there own beer,,,,anyway ,,time for a beer run,everyone off the sidewalks,,bbiab

Keep on Growin

k,,,gotta pick up the wifey in 20 minutes,,not waitin like yesterday,,,if I'm not back for a while,,don't worry I didn't crash,,,might be gettin head or eating or something,,I'll try to say goodnight tonight just to prove I ain't no bitch,,,Love you all(thats American),,and toke and talk soon

Keep on Growin
