Let's get drunk!!!

another day,,another 2-4,,,c'mon,,,whoop it up it's my birthday,,,and listen to the song above this post it's hilarious

Keep on Growin

Gonna kick off HoLE's birthday party!!



A birthday toast!!

Cheers @HoLE !!

Sorry I missed you guys!! I moved back in January and boy my life has changed tenfold! its amazing...and great! I don't get on much after 6 in the eves anymore, my schedule is a lot fuller now and about to be more so in June. I do drink every day now though..LOL usually its smirnoffs or icehouse edge, weekends its Captain Morgan :)

I love ya sista keep on keepin on good shit happens to good people for sure!

Tell your daughter that weird internet guy said hi:grin:
Dammit,,,it's like a vicious circle,,,,need beer and smokes again,,,,,and I swear beer is just a rental thing,,,

Keep on Growin

im so wasted, too much beer while brewing.

last night i threw up on this girl, she wqs all mad till she realized it was half blood... fucking just kept sleeping like a champ. hospital in a few hpurs when im not super junked up.