Let's get drunk!!!

I never tried shit, mom had me too terrified of shit, figured it would all kill me or make me kill myself. Now I'm all about experiencing life, drugs, etc. Kinda dumb considering my age but really, does it matter?

I am having a rough week, forgive me of I'm off my game a bit. Just throwing some back in an effort to purge my mind. Too many ghosts around me right now. Its not working..but I'm getting high, so that counts, yes?

Should have some acid here in a couple days, that will be my first time with it. Then I'll really be purging :)

The curiosity is killing me...

be patient, good things come to those who wait
Make sure you are in a good mindset Rosie.

If you're not, I would wait for another time

Unresolved demons and acid don't mix.
Don't worry I will, Cat already said it was best to do it when you're feeling good already. I don't need a bad trip, screw that. Besides, it hasn't made it to me yet, so hell who knows I may not even get to try it.

Signing off soon, hope everybody has a great weekend. Stay safe y'all!
Don't worry I will, Cat already said it was best to do it when you're feeling good already. I don't need a bad trip, screw that. Besides, it hasn't made it to me yet, so hell who knows I may not even get to try it.

Signing off soon, hope everybody has a great weekend. Stay safe y'all!
Are you gone?

Did I miss the PEACH?
Just missed your chipper self. Wanted to hear how you were doing. And the puppies????

Is that gone, did you sell them? I may have missed that. I can't read much else besides direct conversations anymore. Working a lot.
I'm not so chipper right now, the last couple of days have been pretty crummy. I'm not myself by any stretch of the imagination which is why I've been scarce. Don't want to drag anyone down, its such a crappy place to be.

The pups have been gone darlin, sold the last one a few weeks ago. Don't worry though, Ziggy will be in heat in the next couple of weeks so there will be more pups on the way! :)
I'm not so chipper right now, the last couple of days have been pretty crummy. I'm not myself by any stretch of the imagination which is why I've been scarce. Don't want to drag anyone down, its such a crappy place to be.

The pups have been gone darlin, sold the last one a few weeks ago. Don't worry though, Ziggy will be in heat in the next couple of weeks so there will be more pups on the way! :)
If you feel like a chat, Im here. Like PM or another avenue...
I'm drinking magic hat tonight. Under each cap it says something. So far I have "remove before drinking". Its funny because its on the inside of the cap. Then I got "Don't think twice its alright" hmm that was my second beer.
Make sure you are in a good mindset Rosie.

If you're not, I would wait for another time

Unresolved demons and acid don't mix.

Sorry I am just getting these..I know I've been scarce the last several days, a lot has been going on, coming to a head I guess you could say. Things I couldn't put off dealing with anymore. I've also been thinking of mama and what she would want me to be doing right now.

I've had to make some hard decisions over the last several months, decisions I didn't make lightly. I handled myself the way I found best for the situations at hand and dealt with them. I feel terrible because I had to let someone go that meant a lot to me. She understood but I don't think it made it any easier.

This week I had a date with my ghosts, not of the acid variety either. I faced and lived down a few phone calls I had to make and I'm feeling MUCH better than I was in that department. Doesn't make the people I've hurt or hurt me any less painful. It's been a red letter year already and it's not even half over. Lots of big changes, big decisions.

In about three weeks, I'm leaving for Florida to have surgery. Its very personal, I don't like to talk about it which is why I've barely mentioned it. I'm praying all goes well, its been dragging on for years, and I'm ready to get it over with. I'm sure it will all be fine, just a case of nerves coming on. I have GOT to get some xanax..

If you feel like a chat, Im here. Like PM or another avenue...

thank you Yessi, I wish I'd seen this, I totally would have. I have to go for now, data cap approaching, but it resets at midnight so I shall return! oh..its Friday, I will be back on Tuesday! (you know I'll stick my head in before that though ;) )

I ♥ u @Yessica... !!!!!!!

XOXOX :hug:

peace, love and bowls for everyone!

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