Lets Give it Another Go - Afghan Kush x Yumbolt & Purple Haze


Well-Known Member
Third seed has come up, she cam up with the seed shell still on her head, I'll leave it i think she'll throw it off on her own. The mutant is starting to piss me off...... Every time i look at it i think.... I payed 15$ for that? And the second little girl is looking good.



lmaoo bro u got jipped, get your money back or get some new seeds becuz tht aint mary jane Im growin the exact same purple strain as u, plantedd it about the same time as u too and she looks amazing right noww, also, spray the seedling 2with the shell stuck on it with water every now and than to soften up the shell to make it easier to remove, lets hope this is actully weed this time lol


Well-Known Member
how's the mutant looking today? xD
Blaaah weird as ever lol, i actually emailed them yesterday, just got an email back saying they'd replace it :D.

I'll go take pics, the new seedling appears to be having something wrong with it......


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with the older normal seedling's leaves :(? I'm going to switch the light schedule down to 20/4



Well-Known Member
Wow...that's a HELL of a mutant you have there...I say grow it just to see what the hell it becomes...Since it doesn't even look like cannabis, or appear to be growing as such.

Sorry I disappeared on you man, I'm still following, I was, unfortunately, in jail from Thursday til Saturday and my grow was taken by the fuzz. Long story, and for legal reasons, can't go into much detail.

But as far as the twisted leaf, it's nothing, it'll grow out of it. And the small yellow lines, I guess i'd have to know if your giving it any kind of nutes and what soil it's in, but it doesn't look serious. I however, have never really had to deal with to many problems. With the exception of the fact that my grow was taken from me, i've always just been kinda LUCKY. But we'll see if that's all changed... :-(


Well-Known Member
Wow...that's a HELL of a mutant you have there...I say grow it just to see what the hell it becomes...Since it doesn't even look like cannabis, or appear to be growing as such.

Sorry I disappeared on you man, I'm still following, I was, unfortunately, in jail from Thursday til Saturday and my grow was taken by the fuzz. Long story, and for legal reasons, can't go into much detail.

But as far as the twisted leaf, it's nothing, it'll grow out of it. And the small yellow lines, I guess i'd have to know if your giving it any kind of nutes and what soil it's in, but it doesn't look serious. I however, have never really had to deal with to many problems. With the exception of the fact that my grow was taken from me, i've always just been kinda LUCKY. But we'll see if that's all changed... :-(
dont let the fuzz bring you down.. fuck the police. and i was thinking the same thing as you.. grow the plant out and see what the fuck it is.


Well-Known Member
Wow...that's a HELL of a mutant you have there...I say grow it just to see what the hell it becomes...Since it doesn't even look like cannabis, or appear to be growing as such.

Sorry I disappeared on you man, I'm still following, I was, unfortunately, in jail from Thursday til Saturday and my grow was taken by the fuzz. Long story, and for legal reasons, can't go into much detail.

But as far as the twisted leaf, it's nothing, it'll grow out of it. And the small yellow lines, I guess i'd have to know if your giving it any kind of nutes and what soil it's in, but it doesn't look serious. I however, have never really had to deal with to many problems. With the exception of the fact that my grow was taken from me, i've always just been kinda LUCKY. But we'll see if that's all changed... :-(
Yeah dude i read that story on rene's second grow, it sucks man :(. I'm not feeding them yet, they're in earth gro potting soil, doesn't really say if there's in any nutes in it. And i might be putting that thing outside when i get my new seed, It's just takin up too much space :(. I do want to see what it turns into tho... Hopefully it won't die out there.


Well-Known Member
New seed? They're gonna replace the one that didn't work out?
Yeah they said they sent it off yesterday, and said it'd take 4-5 days to get here... I kinda doubt that though, expecting at least 10 days. They also said seeds... So maybe I'll get more then 1 :D lol.