Let's go Massachusetts!

well you can have 10 zips in your house. i would never have that much. and I dont drive with anything on me so unless the cops bring like 9 and a half oz with them. That wont happen.

Actually under the original law you can have any amount that you grow. The 10 zips is if you don't grow.

I expect that to change, but it's the current law.

Here is the specific section of the law (full text at https://malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2016/Chapter334):

(2) within the person’s primary residence, possessing up to 10 ounces of marijuana and any marijuana produced by marijuana plants cultivated on the premises and possessing, cultivating or processing not more than 6 marijuana plants for personal use so long as not more than 12 plants are cultivated on the premises at once;
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To where? I like where I live. Cops are the same the world around.
Uh, like I said, here in WMA the cops couldn't give less of a shit about weed, even when it wasn't legal. You'd get the odd cop here and there who would bother arresting someone on possession, but most of them would just confiscate your shit and break your piece. Then laugh.
Is there a curfew like no smoking after 10pm?

Not in the law itself. The closest they come to this is in the following section:

Restrictions on public consumption of marijuana. No person shall consume marijuana in a public place or smoke marijuana where smoking tobacco is prohibited. A person who violates this subsection shall be punished by a civil penalty of not more than $100. This subsection shall not apply to a person who consumes marijuana or marijuana products in a designated area of a marijuana establishment located in a city or town that has voted to allow consumption on the premises where sold and shall not be construed to limit the medical use of marijuana.
There is also a reference to not being allowed near schools,but that should be obvious.
So the political process has been working on changing the voter initiative law here in Massachusetts.

Changes to the law include increasing the taxes from 12% to 20% (6.25% sales, 10.75% excise, 3% local), and adding a provision that would allow for the banning of sales in municipalities. Towns where voters supported the initiative last November would be required to pass a voter referendum to ban retail sales, where as towns who's voters did not support the initiative would only be required to pass bylaws against retail sales.

Another significant change was to increase the number of administrators on the cannabis control commission from 3 to 5, and give the governor and attorney general some say in choosing the commission members.

Left unchanged were the homegrow provisions, the amount adults are allowed to legally possess, and the July 1, 2018 target date for the start of rec sales.

The state legislature and governor are expected to agree with these proposed changes recommended by the conference committee formed to reconcile differences in the state house and senate versions of the bill.