Let's Hug it out, Bitch...

I have not, somehow I missed that one.
I love Jeremy Piven.
Waiting.......... Downloading now.
When I was in Grade 8 it was my FAV movie.

It's one of them. David Spade's character is A FUCKING SCREAM. He's a republican elitist racist rich kid. hahahaha too funny.

"A casual shoe for yachting"
- what is a Bluker

"Greatest American Presient"
- Who is Ronal Regan

"They killed Jesus Christ"
- Who are the JEWS, let me in Fucko
I go t work at 9 this morning (its 8 in my time zone btw) but i might go to work at 10tonight instead..sucks..

Thqt soup sounds interestingly awesome.

Shit my soelling is jacked.. a 40 before work is perfectly fine though right, not too much

I feel like i know none of yall but i do.. i dont uang out here enough.

Probly wouldnt like me though
You're good homie, just gotta jump in and kick it with us. Idk you either, but that doesn't mean we can't chill and smoke a bowl together.

its 8.45am in the DF dub :fire:
I go t work at 9 this morning (its 8 in my time zone btw) but i might go to work at 10tonight instead..sucks..

Thqt soup sounds interestingly awesome.

Shit my soelling is jacked.. a 40 before work is perfectly fine though right, not too much

I feel like i know none of yall but i do.. i dont uang out here enough.

Probly wouldnt like me though
I like you already!
You were in the pervy thread(s), weren't you @qwizoking ?

I like everyone that hung out in there without acting like a spoiled little bitch...

hahahah - oh there goes my HATE again. hahahaha

Fuck that cunt pisses me off though. Where is he? Where the fuck is that little twat?

Damn man, i do go in tonight. Nothing like staying up for 24hrs.. work like 70hrs a week, its stupid...well had my "coffee" and im over it.

How goes it goodson. Your not too far from me.

It seems like he slowed down atleast yess

Rain, a pain pilly..gonna be a good day
Speaking of which i havent worked out in like a week. Damn. I mever have any energy now that im smoking and stuff again. Hooe your fairing better
You know when you dont think your high but you get to work and spend 10min trying to clock in cause you thought it was tou h screen..thats me right now

I was expecting something exciting from that last post............
Lunch break at 3am..
I def need a hug. Aint got no weed either. Everyone left, nobody to even talk too.one of yall is awake!
Oh well, more opiates to get through the night it is
Lunch break at 3am..
I def need a hug. Aint got no weed either. Everyone left, nobody to even talk too.one of yall is awake!
Oh well, more opiates to get through the night it is
I was asleep in your TIME OF NEEEEEEED!

Sorry man, hope a nerd hug from LOTR makes you feel better!

I need a hug. Some butt-hurt wanker is being a doucher to me.

I need some hugs - stat!!!

Who's around?

@Unclebaldrick - hugs man? I feel like you would be a GREAT hugger....