Lets Make A Lil Cab


Well-Known Member
Hmmm i see what your talking about be interesting to see how it works out if you put an eye bolt through the ducting on the top you could ziptie the power cord to ease the presure off the connection. How many watts of cfl are you going to run in there?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm i see what your talking about be interesting to see how it works out if you put an eye bolt through the ducting on the top you could ziptie the power cord to ease the presure off the connection. How many watts of cfl are you going to run in there?
Im gonna put an eye bolt on each side my man so i can raise it up and down

These are the lights im gonna be using my man



Well-Known Member
Well i got the light sockets wired up and working

I just need to put them on the ducting



Active Member
I say you drop them through so just the bulbs are beneath the reflector (i think like what you were drawing out) and then screw them into a 2x4 above that. just my .02


Well-Known Member
I say you drop them through so just the bulbs are beneath the reflector (i think like what you were drawing out) and then screw them into a 2x4 above that. just my .02
Instead of a 2x4 i could just bolt them to the ducting after dropping it through , what you think ?

Just a 2x4 will take up more room and make it heavier


Active Member
ya, that might work. a 2x4 was just an example. it could be smaller and lighter, just something stiff for the sockets to stick on to. Bolting them straight to the ducting would probably work.


Well-Known Member
Yea i just got finished cutting the holes and putting them in

Shit was hell to do cuz i dont have tin snips ,

I had to use plain steal scissors , so the dame edges or jagged and sharp lol

It looks like fucking shit , not centered and shit , but fuck it , it will still work lol


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi GOten, I was wondering how your DWC girls are doing? i read your post in wiimbs joural and it made me sad.
I hope that you can work things out with everything. You prob did a lot of hard work to get the hydro started so dont give up.
Im new to it as well but can try to offer a little help too , with what i have learned so far. take it easy


Well-Known Member
I took off the ducting and just mounted the lights to a piece of wood

I fucked up with the ducting , the lights was way off center and shit , it was tilting back since it was un even

I know the wood is just so blah but its simpler lol



Well-Known Member
Well the lights are in ,

I have some diamond sheet left over that im gonna use for reflectiveness

Also i still have not put a door on yet , but for now im just gonna drape a black towel or something over the front of it lol



Active Member
Hey man, if you're curious about an idea for a door I have a lil sunshield that rolls down with a towel over it in my cab (sunshield provides reflectiveness and MOST of the lightproofing, towel does the rest - and you dont see something "shiny" from in between the doors... its just black). Let me know if you need help with it, i have a few pics somewhere in my thread.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, if you're curious about an idea for a door I have a lil sunshield that rolls down with a towel over it in my cab (sunshield provides reflectiveness and MOST of the lightproofing, towel does the rest - and you dont see something "shiny" from in between the doors... its just black). Let me know if you need help with it, i have a few pics somewhere in my thread.
Thanks my man

i always like looking at pics :mrgreen:

Iv made several cabs before and i normally make a door and use hinges so it opens up like a frig ya know


Active Member
It's in a corner so you can hardly see it. It's better than a gaping hole that allows one to look directly into it. You have a better idea for a light trap?